Libra to Taurus: Top 5 Zodiac Signs Who Have a Hard Time Saying No
The natives of these zodiac signs fear upsetting others, which can be linked to their people-pleasing tendencies, conflict avoidance, or fear of being judged.

Some people have a hard time setting boundaries. They have an innate desire to be liked by everyone. These folks want to avoid conflicting with others at all costs - and find it difficult to say “No," which leads to them being stuck in uncomfortable situations at times. They refrain from hurting others’ sentiments and often prioritize others’ needs over their own.
Zodiac Signs Who Find It Difficult to Refuse People’s Requests
1. Libra
Libras are known for their people-pleasing tendencies. They are often described as social butterflies because of their charming personalities. They can easily warm up to people and want everyone to like them. Libras avoid conflicting with others, even if it’s at the cost of their own peace of mind. The natives of this air sign work as natural peacemakers. They seek balance in all aspects of life and won’t mind dropping their ego in order to maintain a harmonious relationship.
2. Cancer
Natives of this water sign are altruistic and put others' happiness before their own. They have difficulty saying no as they go out of their way to serve their loved ones. Being natural nurturers, they have a strong sense of responsibility. Their naivety causes them to fall easy prey to manipulation at times.
3. Taurus
Taureans are celebrated for being true-hearted. They are reliable individuals and are completely devoted to their loved ones. If someone close to them seeks some aid, they won’t hesitate to extend a helping hand. The natives of this earth sign tend to be generous and make all kinds of efforts to please others.
4. Pisces
Guided by Neptune, Pisceans have a strong intuition and can detect when someone close to them is facing trying times. They struggle with saying no as they are empaths who feel for others deeply. Even when they are struggling themselves, they will never turn a deaf ear to a cry for help and try their best to comfort the distressed individual.
5. Sagittarius
Sagittarians are enthusiastic about trying their hands at different things. Because of their eager nature, they can’t set boundaries and take up lots of responsibilities at once, which often leaves them gasping for air. They tend to be empathetic and care for the well-being of those around them. Because of their loyal nature, they tend to be great team players who will never decline a request for help.
These zodiac signs go to bed feeling contented knowing they didn’t disappoint anyone. These folks tend to be helpful and often disregard their own happiness to help others. They value relationships and don’t want to ruin relationship dynamics by saying “no."
Disclaimer: These attributes are generic and may not necessarily hold true for you.