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may 25, 2024


10 Workplace romance tips from K-dramas

Like in “A Business Proposal”, respect boundaries and professionalism, even when disguised feelings are involved

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Be Respectful

“What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim” shows that years of working together can lead to a deeper understanding and eventual romance

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Patience Pays Off

Misunderstandings are common; clear communication can prevent them from escalating, as seen in many K-drama office romances

Communication is Key

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Working towards a common goal can bring people closer, creating a bond beyond the professional realm

Shared Goals Unite

Image credits: JTBC

Embrace each other’s unique qualities; differences can complement and strengthen a relationship, just like in K-dramas

Appreciate Differences

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Maintain discretion about your relationship to avoid workplace gossip and complications

Keep it Private

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Ensure that your work and romantic life are balanced; neither should overshadow the other

Balance is Essential

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Professionalism First

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Always prioritize your work responsibilities, as personal feelings should not interfere with professional duties

Be each other’s support system, both professionally and personally, which can lead to a strong partnership

Mutual Support

Image credits: JTBC

Be honest about your feelings and intentions to avoid any confusion or hurt, as portrayed in K-drama narratives

Honest Intentions

Image credits: JTBC


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