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Priyanshi Shah


may 24, 2024

10 Peaceful Countries To Visit This Year

Avoid chaos, and enjoy your time at a peaceful place- Iceland that gives refreshing nature vibes and a calm atmosphere


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Denmark with its fascinating cities, green initiatives, and rich history, has been one of the best to enjoy a peaceful life


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Enjoy the perfect mixture of ancient history and modern comforts in Ireland around the friendly people who don’t let you be alone


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New Zealand where peace is the only motto, and even the police officers don’t carry guns around

New Zealand

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Give a relaxing vacation to your body and visit Austria- a land of mountains and music, that is perfect for taking a break from daily life problems


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Roam in Singapore without any worries as it has an excellent transport network and infrastructure to explore


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Feel the culture in every corner of Slovenia- a serene place to visit once in your life


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Find yourself mesmerized by the Porutgal’s ancient castles that stand tall amidst the lively streets


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Experience Japan’s peaceful society where ancient traditions blend perfectly with unique innovations


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switzerland - a place with culture and breathtaking scenery is heaven for those seeking peace 


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