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Priyanshi Shah


MAY 09, 2024

10 ways to Get a Guy to Ask You Out

Believe in yourself and act confidently around him, which makes you naturally attractive

Exude confidence

Images: freepik

Share a laugh over his jokes to make him feel good and create a joyful atmosphere

Laugh at his jokes

Images: freepik

Showcase your talents and skills, like organizing or entertaining to impress him

Focus on your strengths

Images: freepik

Discuss what you love and hate to help him know you better and plan dates you’ll enjoy

Talk about your likes and dislikes

Images: freepik

Avoid hiding your feelings by being overly sassy or rude, as it could push him away

Don’t try to embarrass him

Images: freepik

Stand your ground and show strength if he tries to dominate, ensuring he respects you

Images: freepik

Don’t let him overpower you

Occasionally skip gatherings to give him space to miss your presence and think about you

Allow him to miss you

Images: freepik

Identify topics he is excited about during conversations and engage more on those to deepen your bond

Find a common interest

Images: freepik

Be you

Images: freepik

Let him see you enjoying your hobbies or passions, which makes you more alluring and fun to be around

Maintain eye contact a bit longer to signal interest and strengthen your connection

Hold your eye contact

Images: freepik

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