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Priyanshi Shah


MAY 04, 2024

Indulge in 10 Walnut recipes

Enjoy the tasty cakes prepared by mixing butter, sugar, eggs, and mashed bananas with milk, soda, oat flour and some chopped walnuts

Banana Walnut Cakes

Image Source: freepik

Toss green salad with chopped apples, roasted walnuts, and crumbled cheese, and add a twist of honey, pepper, vinegar, and salt for a sweet-tangy flavor

Apple walnut salad

Image Source: freepik

Melt chocolate, add walnuts, and sprinkle it with some sea salt for a delicious treat

Choco dip walnuts

Image Source:  freepik

Mix oats, coconut, cranberries, walnuts, and other ingredients, and bake it for a nutritious bar

Walnut Granola Bars

Image Source:  freepik

Saute onions and spices, mix with steamed kale, roasted walnuts, and raisins, dress with lime and salt, and serve it for a tasty treat

Image Source: freepik

Kale, walnuts, and raisin salad

Fry sesame seeds, onion, and garlic, add zucchini, and toasted walnuts, then stir in rice seasoned with salt, vinegar, and Dijon mustard

Zucchini Walnut fried rice

Image Source: freepik

Marinate chicken, coat with a mix of ground walnuts, and flour, sear, and bake, and enjoy it with honey-mustard dip

Walnut crusted chicken

Image Source: freepik

Walnut protein balls

Image Source: freepik

Blend dates, walnut butter, almonds, and other ingredients, stir in chocolate chips, perfect to have as a snack ball

Walnut cookies

Image Source: freepik

Combine flour, cocoa, sugar, butter, and roasted walnuts into a dough, and chill it overnight for a tasty treat

Melt chocolate with condensed milk, and vanilla, stir in roasted walnuts, refrigerate, then cut into tasty fudge pieces

Dark Chocolate Walnuts Fudge

Image Source:  freepik

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