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Priyanshi Shah


MAY 09, 2024

Must-try dishes of Arunachal Pradesh

Apong is a traditional rice beer from Arunachal Pradesh, fermented with yeast to create a mildly alcoholic and tangy beverage


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Thukpa is a hearty noodle soup from the mountainous regions, packed with vegetables, meat, and spices


Images: freepik

These delightful dumplings filled with meat or vegetables, seasoned with herbs and spices, taste best with tomato-chili sauce


Images: freepik

Zan is a simple, comforting dish made from millet or rice flour, typically served as a porridge-like breakfast or light meal


Images: freepik

This flavorful curry uses tangy and earthy bamboo shoots, famous across Arunachal Pradesh, usually served with rice or roti

Bamboo Shoot Curry

Images: freepik

Pika Pila is a spicy chutney made from red chilies, garlic, ginger, and a dash of lemon, adding a tangy twist to the dish

Images: freepik

Pika Pila

A traditional pork-based curry from Arunachal Pradesh, Gyapa Khazi is rich with spices and enjoyed with rice

Gyapa Khazi

Images: freepik

Lukter features marinated pork cooked with veggies and fermented soybean paste, offering a rich taste


Images: freepik


Images: freepik

Galho is a flavorful rice pulao made by mixing rice with vegetables, meat, and local spices, creating a wholesome meal

Marua is a nourishing porridge made from finger millet, known for its health benefits, often cooked in a creamy consistency 


Images: freepik

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