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Priyanshi Shah


may 22, 2024

Tasty Coconut Laddoo Recipe

Take some coconuts, grate them for a smooth ball, and keep them aside

Grate coconut

Image: freepik

Take a frying pan, add 1 tablespoon of ghee to it, and mix it with the grated coconut

Heat ghee

Image: freepik

Stir and saute the grated coconut and ghee mixture for 3-4 minutes, ensuring that they don’t turn brown


Image: freepik

After string and sauteeing it properly, add some sweet condensed milk, and green cardamom powder to it

Add condensed milk

Image: freepik

Mix the mixture well, and cook it on the low heat

Mix well

Image: pexels

Stir the mixture well till it turns thick enough to make a ball from it

Stir it

Image: freepik

When you feel that the mixture has a perfectly thick consistency, then you can turn off the heat

Turn off the heat

Image: freepik

Pour the coconut laddoo mixture into another bowl, and keep it aside to allow it to cool

Pour it

Image: freepik

Once the coconut mixture is all cooled up, prepare some medium-sized balls, forming a laddoo

Image: freepik

Prepare medium balls

Roll the prepared laddoo into freshly grated coconut, ensuring it gets perfectly coated

Image: freepik

Roll it

Place the laddoo in small muffin liners and refrigerate it to enjoy it even after 2-3 days

Image: freepik

Serve and Enjoy!

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