Which MCU Project Should Moon Knight Appear In Next? Oscar Isaac Shares His Thoughts

Oscar Isaac, the star of MCU’s popular miniseries Moon Knight, said he wanted his character to team up with Marvel’s The Midnight Sons in a future project.


Not even Oscar Isaac can tell where we can see the star’s beloved amalgamation of Steven Grant/Marc Spector/ Jake Lockley next. But he shared which project he would like his Moon Knight to appear in next.

Which future MCU project does Oscar Isaac want Moon Knight to be a part of? 

Oscar Isaac answered some fan questions while attending the Middle East Film and Comic Con. During a panel, the actor was asked where he wants his character Moon Knight appearing next in the MCU timeline. He answered that Midnight Sons was a really interesting opportunity for Moon Knight to appear in. 


"There's such interesting characters in there, and now that we've set the groundwork with learning who Marc, Steven, Jake are, it could be an interesting opportunity to see him as part of a team and what that dynamic would be. So I think that would be exciting, I think for me, I definitely hope there's some room to explore that possibility,” The actor said. 


Consisting of really interesting characters such as Blade, Morbius, and Ghost Riders Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch, The Midnight Sons are a supernatural group of superheroes in the Marvel Comics. Since its inauguration, the group has had several members join it. Since Blade is going to become a part of the MCU in 2025, and Morbius has already become part of the Sony Spiderman Universe, it is not far-fetched to think that Midnight Sons might also become a part of the canon MCU universe in the future.

What do we know about Moon Knight season 2? 

Much like most of the new MCU shows, Moon Knight was also only 6 episodes long, which felt a bit rushed. However, the fans absolutely loved the show and especially Oscar Isaac, who played the roles of Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and by the end, Jake Lockley absolutely perfectly. Unfortunately, there is no concrete news about the return of Moon Knight as of yet. 

In 2023, the director of the show Mohamed Diab spoke about the low episode count and revealed how it had been Marvel’s plan all along. Marvel's way is not the usual way where if the project succeeds, I say let's renew it for a second season. It's their plan, successful or not, they have a plan.,” he said. In 2022, he had also commented on wanting a second season of the show to explore Marc’s latest alter ego Jake Lockley. 

"Everyone is so intrigued about him and (want to) see what happens in between those blinks and who he is and what does he love and who does he love. It's very interesting for me,” the director had said back then. And though the future of Moon Knight in the MCU is shrouded in mystery, Isaac is ready to take up the role again if Marvel wants.

About The Author

Gargi has a Masters degree in English Literature from The University of Calcutta. She has been a content writer

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