‘Only So Much You Can Do': Anthony Mackie Reveals Why It's Hard To Have Creative Freedom In The MCU

Anthony Mackie discusses creative constraints in the MCU compared to Twisted Metal, shedding light on the restrained growth of Sam Wilson in the MCU.


In a recent interview, Anthony Mackie, known for his portrayal of Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), opened up about the challenges of creative freedom within the MCU compared to his experience on the Peacock series, Twisted Metal. His insights shed light on the intricacies of navigating two vastly different creative landscapes and the limitations imposed by the MCU's adherence to comic book canon.


Anthony Mackie talked about the creative constraints in the MCU 

Mackie's career spans diverse fields but he is most well known for his portrayal of Sam Wilson in the MCU. His recent venture into the world of Twisted Metal provided him with a unique perspective on the contrasting dynamics of creative freedom, which he experiences on the set of MCU. As the star of Captain America: Brave New World and the lead in Twisted Metal, Mackie finds himself straddling two distinct realms of storytelling.

In his return to the MCU as Captain America, Mackie's role in Brave New World marks a significant milestone in his career. However, despite the excitement surrounding his portrayal of the iconic superhero, Mackie acknowledges the limitations of creative expression within the MCU. Speaking with RadioTimes.com, Mackie highlighted the controlled nature of entertainment within the Marvel universe, stating, "I would say the Marvel thing is completely different, just because it's such a space of controlled entertainment. Like, there's only so much you can do. There's only so much creativity you can bring to the table because Stan Lee gave us so much content.”

Unlike the MCU, Twisted Metal offers Mackie and his fellow producers a blank canvas to explore and innovate. With fewer constraints and the freedom to introduce new characters or plot twists, Twisted Metal allows for a more organic creative process. "Whereas with this [Twisted Metal], it was like, 'There's a guy and a girl… go!' So we were really able to build the world around it,” Mackie commented. 

Anthony Mackie revealed MCU works in accordance with Stan Lee’s comics

Mackie's observations on the constraints of creativity within the MCU point to the overwhelming influence of Stan Lee's comic book legacy. With decades of rich storytelling and character development, the MCU operates within the parameters set by Lee's extensive body of work, blocking any creative inputs from the makers. He stated, “Exactly. And that's the hard thing about the Marvel universe. It's like, you can't really go outside of the lines of those comic books."

Mackie further added, “You know, when we introduced the Falcon, and the growth of the Falcon to Captain America, all of that had to coincide with what Stan had already gave us. So it's an interesting juggle to be a part of that world. And [Twisted Metal] was more like, 'Let's just have fun and figure it out as we go.'"


As Anthony Mackie continues to make waves in both the MCU and Twisted Metal, his insights into the challenges of creative freedom offer valuable perspectives on the complexities of storytelling in the entertainment industry. As fans eagerly await the release of Captain America: Brave New World, slated for 2025, Mackie's reflections on his dual roles provide a deeper understanding of the creative processes behind two vastly different projects. 


Who does Anthony Mackie play in Marvel movies?
Anthony Mackie plays Sam Wilson, also known as Falcon and now Captain America, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Is Anthony Mackie married?
Anthony Mackie married his long-time girlfriend and childhood sweetheart, Sheletta Chapital, in 2014, but they got divorced in 2018.
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Vivek Kumar
Vivek Kumar
Content Writer

Vivek Kumar is a young, enthusiastic writer with a natural talent for expressing his thoughts through writing. Currently

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