'He Loved It Too': Resurfaced Video of Steelers' Antonio Brown Spanking Referee Leaves NFL Fans in Splits

Sports meets humor in this hilarious fan commentary! See some of the reactions sparked by a resurfaced video of Antonio Brown playfully spanking a referee during a Steelers game.


Recently, a resurfaced video featuring Antonio Brown, the former wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers, has taken the internet by storm. However, it's not a spectacular touchdown or an awe-inspiring catch that's causing the stir. Instead, it's a rather amusing scene of Brown appearing to playfully spank a referee during a game.  


The intersection of sports and humor often yields unexpected treasures, and the resurfacing of Antonio Brown's playful interaction with a referee is no exception. In the midst of tense matches and high-stakes competition, moments like these offer a refreshing glimpse into the lighter side of sports. This video serves as a reminder that laughter can be just as contagious as the thrill of victory. 

From The Archives: Antonio Brown Playfully Spanks A Referee

In a resurfaced video, former Steelers’ wide receiver, Antonio Brown is seen walking up to the referee and playfully spanking him. This clip from a Pittsburgh Steelers and Washington Commanders’ (formerly Washington Redskins) game has elicited a plethora of humorous reactions from NFL fans.

Fan Reactions to Antonio Brown's Referee Spanking Antics

One user makes a tongue-in-cheek observation which encapsulates the lighthearted perspective many fans are taking on the quirky moment. In a playful nod to the unconventional nature of the incident, this user writes, 'I guess Antonio Brown thought the ref needed a timeout too!' This suggests that perhaps Brown's action was a humorous attempt to inject a bit of levity into the game.

"No flag?! Big smile on his face?! 'Ouch' lmao yea dude starstruck and a lil sweet," tweeted one amused fan, perfectly capturing the mix of disbelief and amusement sparked by Antonio Brown's playful interaction with the referee. The incredulity at the lack of penalty coupled with the referee's apparent amusement paints a picture of a moment that defies conventional expectations.

The sheer novelty of the scene prompts a reaction of bewildered amusement, as fans try to make sense of the unexpected interaction between Antonio Brown and the referee. As the bizarre and the unexpected reign supreme, one user quipped, ‘Can't say I've ever seen a ref-spanking before... that's new.’  In a world where sports often follow a familiar script of victories and losses, this unexpected twist certainly added a fresh element to the game. 

With a touch of wit and a nod to Brown's undeniable talent, this tweet adds a layer of playful banter of sorts which is often seen between athletes and fans. "When the 🐐(GOAT) spanks you, you like it," says this user, implying that even a lighthearted gesture from such a prominent figure is to be welcomed.  


By juxtaposing the hypothetical consequences with the seemingly harmless nature of Antonio Brown's antics, this tweet underscores the stark contrast between the lighthearted reaction to Antonio Brown's playful antics and the strict disciplinary measures enforced in modern professional football.  This user believes that if the same incident were to happen today the repercussions would be ’95 Yard personal foul, 16 game suspension, with a x2 salary fine.’ 

About The Author

Ananya Kesh is a journalism student with a burning passion for the world of sports. Writing allows her

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