12 Best Coal Tar Shampoos to Combat Itchy And Flaky Scalp

Written by Alvira Dsouza, Hair Expert
Updated on Apr 10, 2024
coal tar shampoo
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Coal tar is the dark viscous by-product from coal that is used as a medicine on the skin and scalp to treat dry patches, itching, and irritation. Our findings show that the best coal tar shampoo, when used in the right amount, can work wonders in curing various scalp issues. It has antifungal properties, and thus, doctors often recommend shampoos infused with coal tar as prescription or over-the-counter products. You'll mostly find coal tar in shampoos, but it also comes in scalp lotions and ointments. These shampoos, as per our knowledge, are great for treating skin and scalp problems like psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, and seborrheic dermatitis (1). 

Applying them helps remove dead skin cells, making way for new ones and reducing itchiness caused by dry skin. However, it's often not suitable for kids below 2 years, and its effects on pregnant women are still unclear. So, it’s best to take advice from a doctor before incorporating these shampoos into your hair care regimen.

12 Best Coal Tar Shampoo

This Neutrogena product gives quick relief from itchy and flaky scalp and is a favorite among dermatologists. This shampoo contains coal tar extract and special Neutar technology that fights skin conditions like psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. It not only cleanses your scalp but also gives you a therapeutic experience, leaving your hair extra strong and healthy after just a couple of washes. Though it is formulated for daily use, it’s best to take your doctor’s advice before using it on a daily basis.

  • Controls itchiness
  • Alcohol-free
  • Aluminum-free
  • Fights seborrhea effectively
  • Designed for daily use
  • Strong fragrance
  • Not great for color-treated hair
  • Best Multipurpose Solution

    MG217 Psoriasis Medicated Conditioning 3% Coal Tar Shampoo

    MG217 Psoriasis Medicated Conditioning 3% Coal Tar Shampoo
  • MG217 is a great solution for problems like psoriasis, dandruff, and eczema. It has 3% coal tar that helps reduce flaking and eliminates scalp buildup to keep your locks healthy. It's like a shampoo and conditioner in one bottle. Some may feel its coal smell to be overpowering, even after you wash it out. But the results are totally worth it. After testing the product, we found that it works even better when left on the scalp for a minute before rinsing.

    • Apt coal tar concentration
    • Multipurpose shampoo
    • Effective scalp treatment
    • Treats redness
    • Unpleasant fragrance
  • Best Antibacterial Properties

    DHS Tar Shampoo

    DHS Tar Shampoo
  • DHS tar shampoo is recommended by most physicians for treating chronic skin and scalp conditions like itchiness and flakiness. It is packed with powerful ingredients such as citric acid and 0.5% coal tar, which helps fight conditions like psoriasis and seborrhoeic dermatitis. The citric acid also assists in breaking down excess oil and buildup on the scalp. This powerful scalp treatment not only effectively addresses scalp issues but also prevents dryness and maintains the scalp’s pH. Thus, it promotes a healthy and nourished scalp environment.

    • Cruelty-free
    • Fragrance-free
    • Antibacterial properties
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Doesn’t lather well
  • Best Budget-friendly Shampoo

    Tarsum Relief Shampoo

    Tarsum Relief Shampoo
  • Tarsum is a special kind of coal shampoo that stays on your scalp and strengthens your hair. It contains 10% LCD (liquor carbonis distillate), which is equivalent to 2% coal tar. It's great for redness, itchiness, and inflammation. Whether you have really bad dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or eczema, this shampoo can help give relief from all the conditions. Just apply it to your scalp, leave it for 5 minutes, and watch the severity of symptoms reduce. Even if you have a bit of itchiness and flakiness, give it a try. Though it's expensive, the product's effectiveness surpasses even prescribed solutions for scalp issues.

    • Soothing effect
    • Calms redness
    • For all severe scalp conditions
    • Can be used as a leave-in treatment
    • Slightly expensive
  • Best Budget-friendly Shampoo

    True+Real Therapeutic Plus Tar Gel Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

    True+Real Therapeutic Plus Tar Gel Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
  • The True+Real coal tar shampoo for dandruff has special solubilized coal tar extract (2.5%), which begins its work faster once applied. The potent formula of this coal tar shampoo boosts cell turnover and eliminates scalp build-up to help you get a clean and healthy scalp. When we tested the product, we found that it works excellently on dandruff and psoriasis, helping you flaunt gorgeous tresses every day. It's suitable for teens, adults, men, and women, and it works just as well as the pricier options out there. For the best results, use it at least twice a week or as advised by your doctor.

    • Soothes irritated scalp
    • Great for dry scalp
    • Treats scaliness
    • Affordable choice
    • Unpleasant smell
  • Best for Fine Hair

    Pura D’or M.D. Maximum Defense Anti-Hair Thinning Shampoo

    Pura D’or M.D. Maximum Defense Anti-Hair Thinning Shampoo
  • This product is like a magical potion for your hair and scalp. It's packed with 19 different herbal extracts, including red Korean seaweed and biotin, along with 0.5% Coal Tar. A nourishing blend of these ingredients soothes the scalp, treats redness, and makes the scalp healthier than before. It also claims to be a clinical solution for thinning hair. Plus, the ingredients keep your hair super moisturized from the roots to the tips, preventing irritation caused by dryness.

    • Gluten-free
    • Revives dull hair
    • Paraben free
    • Soothing ingredients
    • Slightly expensive
  • Best Vegan Shampoo

    ArtNaturals Scalp 18 Shampoo

    ArtNaturals Scalp 18 Shampoo
  • The ArtNaturals shampoo infused with coal tar gives you a fresh-smelling and flake-free scalp. What makes it different from other shampoos is that it is crafted with the goodness of natural and organic ingredients, making it a perfect choice to lock moisture into the hair and replenish hair strands. This product is filled with natural ingredients like aloe, tea tree, and borage oil to heal and nourish your scalp. Tea tree cleanses, borage oil promotes healing, and aloe leaf extracts soothe and hydrate. Plus, it's a planet-friendly choice to consider.

    • Cruelty-free
    • Vegan product
    • Prevents flakiness
    • Soothes the scalp
    • Some users felt that the odor was very strong
  • MG217 Dandruff Therapeutic Shampoo

    MG217 Dandruff Therapeutic Shampoo
  • This MG217 dandruff shampoo with 3% coal tar helps when your scalp itches and flakes. It is like a medicine for scalp conditions like psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and dandruff. Furthermore, it makes sure these problems don't return. It also makes your hair healthy, prevents buildup or cell overgrowth on your scalp, and comes with a nice smell. There's also an unscented version that comes with a conditioner.

    • Manages all scalp issues
    • Prevents build-up
    • Soothes the scalp
    • Easy-to-use
    • Strong smell
  • Best for Itchy Scalp

    Major Thera-gel Therapeutic Shampoo

    Major Thera-gel Therapeutic Shampoo
  • This shampoo with coal tar helps with multiple conditions like dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis. If your itchy and flaky scalp has been bothering you a lot, try this shampoo, as its 0.5% coal tar formulation provides long-lasting relief from itchiness. The best part is it won't cost you a fortune. You can get the benefits of a fancy therapeutic shampoo without spending too much. Many might feel the smell to be overbearing, but given the benefits of the product, it's totally worth it.

    • Affordable
    • Unscented
    • Tackles multiple scalp issues
    • Long-lasting results
    • It does not smell good
  • Best Combo Set

    Pete & Pedro Control And Condition Set

    Pete & Pedro Control And Condition Set
  • This product from Pete & Pedro even got featured on Shark Tank. If your hair care routine has been on hold due to skin problems, then this anti-itch dandruff shampoo may become your solution. It is infused with peppermint oil, glycerin, tea tree oil, coal tar, and menthol, all of which work synergistically to boost hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, nourish the scalp, prevent infections, and rejuvenate your scalp. The shampoo comes with a conditioner, making it easier for you to pair the right products without any guesswork.

    • No parabens
    • Re-energizes the scalp
    • Nourishing formula
    • Revives dry and dull hair
    • Comes with conditioner
    • Slightly expensive
  • Best Anti-dandruff Solution

    Medicasp Coal Tar Gel Dandruff Shampoo

    Medicasp Coal Tar Gel Dandruff Shampoo
  • One of the best solutions for a flaky scalp is Medicasp’s amazing coal tar gel anti-dandruff shampoo. With its special 0.5% coal tar extract, it's carefully made to tackle issues like scalp psoriasis, dandruff, and seborrheic dermatitis, preventing them from coming back. It also quickly soothes redness, itching, and burning sensations with its fast-acting formula. Plus, it has a long-lasting effect on keeping the scalp healthy. After just one use, your scalp will feel refreshed and clean.

    • No strong lingering smell
    • Reduces redness
    • Lathers well
    • Good for daily use
    • Might not be suitable for extremely dry scalp
  • Sebcur T Coal Tar Shampoo

    Sebcur T Coal Tar Shampoo
  • Sebcur-T stands out from other shampoos meant for seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. It's strong and effective, not just for mild cases but also for stubborn ones. This special shampoo contains potent 10% coal tar with salicylic acid (4%). These ingredients help calm itching, reduce redness, and control scaling linked with tough cases of seborrhea or psoriasis on the scalp. Even better, it leaves your hair shiny while keeping those stubborn scalp issues in check. Plus, it's designed to minimize the strong smell and staining often associated with coal tar products.

    • Potent ingredients
    • Fights severe scalp issues
    • Leaves hair shiny
    • Gentle on scalp
    • Strong odor

    How to Choose the Best Coal Tar Shampoo?

    When you're on the hunt for the perfect coal tar shampoo, here's what you need to consider:

    1. Ingredients: Coal tar can be quite drying on the scalp. Hence, look for added moisturizing agents designed for dry hair, like aloe vera and vitamin E. You may also look for essential botanical oils such as argan, tea tree, lemon, coconut, and rosemary that restore moisture and luster to damaged hair.

    2. Active Ingredients: Coal tar, along with active ingredients like salicylic acid, deeply cleanses pores, removes dirt and dead skin cells, and reduces acne and redness. Likewise, sulfur effectively eliminates flakes and scales caused by psoriasis.

    3. Concentration: Usually, coal tar is used in a 1-5% concentration. But in the case of severe cases of scalp psoriasis, even 10% can be used (2). 

    Talking about the right usage of coal tar shampoo, our contributor Gwenda Harmon, Expert Hair Dresser & Curly Hair Specialist says, “There are recommended concentrations of coal tar on the shampoo label or dermatologist. If you dilute the formula, it won't cover the scalp properly and it is mostly used for eczema for the scalp. So, one must use it accordingly, depending on the scalp condition.”

    4. Dermatologist's Approval: Opt for coal tar shampoos approved or recommended by dermatologists for safety. Don't choose shampoos with over 5% coal tar concentration unless recommended by your doctor. 

    5. Be Aware of Side Effects: Be mindful of potential side effects, like staining of light-colored hair, tar acne with prolonged use, occasional burning sensation, sun sensitivity, and rare allergic reactions. Our contributor Gwenda Harmon, says, “Use of coal tar shampoo would mostly discolor colored hair temporarily. If you have light-colored hair, the coal tar shampoo will stain it and maybe turn it darker. So, watch out for that.”

    6. Affordability: Find a shampoo that fits your budget. There are options available at different price ranges.  

    How to Use Coal Tar Shampoos?

    Coal tar shampoos can be used just like any other shampoos in the following easy steps.

    • Wet your hair completely.
    • Use enough coal tar shampoo to cover your hair and scalp.
    • Massage and lather it in with your fingers, especially on the affected areas with scalp infections. 
    • Let the shampoo stay on your scalp for 5 to 10 minutes as per instructions in the shampoo. 
    • Rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water.
    • If you don’t like the smell, use your regular shampoo and conditioner after the coal tar.
    • Do this once or twice a week, or as your doctor suggests.

    Contributor: Gwenda Harmon, Hair Dresser & Curly Hair Specialist - Click for blog


    If you're dealing with stubborn scalp psoriasis or similar issues, then our list of best coal tar shampoos can be your game-changer. They not only help remove dead skin cells but also promote healthy hair and a clean scalp. Most of our options are natural, packed with hair-friendly ingredients, and are affordable too. Just remember to choose the one that suits your scalp type and solve your scalp concerns. Investing in a quality formula tailored to your hair needs can make a significant difference. Also, use them wisely, depending on your scalp's condition, and your doctor's advice.


    Is coal tar shampoo good for your hair?
    Yes, coal tar shampoo is a proven solution for scalp conditions like dandruff and psoriasis.
    What are the disadvantages of coal tar shampoo?
    It might smell strong, and some people could be sensitive to it. Also, it may stain your clothes and not suit color-treated hair.
    Which is better: ketoconazole or coal tar?
    It depends on your condition. Both work differently as antifungal agents for dandruff, itchiness, and flakiness.
    How often should you use coal tar shampoo?
    Usually, it's once or twice a week, but follow the directions on the bottle or your doctor's advice.
    Can using coal tar shampoo lead to hair loss?
    No, generally it doesn’t cause hair loss. But if you notice unusual hair loss, consult a doctor.
    Will coal tar shampoo bleach my hair?
    It might slightly discolor white, blond, or gray hair, but it won't bleach your hair dramatically.
    How do you get rid of the coal tar shampoo smell?
    Rinsing it thoroughly will reduce the smell or else use a regular scented conditioner afterwards.

    Why Trust Pinkvilla

    Alvira, our in-house hair care expert, is passionate about all things artistic and creative, and she also loves to educate people through her writing. She has meticulously researched and studied the specifications of every shampoo on our recommended list. She personally favors DHS Tar Shampoo because of its gentle formulation and effectiveness. If you're looking to improve your scalp health and tackle dandruff, explore her carefully curated list for the best purchasing options.

    Our experts study the specifications of every product we suggest and try them out to bring what’s proven worthy of your money, time, and energy. We also have subject matter experts from various fields like Fashion, Skincare, Haircare, Home Decor, and Health and fitness on board to ensure our suggestions are credible and trustworthy. You can trust Select to be your faithful shopping guide for all the right reasons!

    1. Whole Coal Tar Shampoo: A Therapeutic Hair Repair System


    2. Management Of Scalp Psoriasis: Current Perspectives



    Author BIO
    Alvira Dsouza
    Hair Expert

    With a keen eye for detail and a passion for hairstyling, Alvira is a certified Hair Expert who brings the latest tre More