Does Coffee Stunt Your Growth: Separating Fact from Fiction

Does coffee stunt your growth? No, it won't stop your kids from growing taller, but there's more to learn about caffeine's effects on children. Scroll down to discover the facts.

Dr. Allen Conrad
Reviewed by DR. ALLEN CONRAD , Chiropractor | Written by Varsha Patnaik , Copy Editor
Updated on Mar 28, 2024 | 06:50 PM IST | 130.6K
Does coffee stunt your growth
Does coffee stunt your growth

The myth about coffee affecting kids' growth is widely heard. People often wonder “does coffee stunt your growth?”. As one of the most popular beverages, coffee contains caffeine, a gentle stimulant that boosts energy. Some might even drink beverages containing caffeine like coffee, cola, and tea to get that energy boost and prevent or relieve drowsiness. However, concerns arise that excessive caffeine might hinder height development, especially in kids. So, does caffeine stunt your growth? Let's dive into some science-backed facts to find out the truth.

Causes of Stunt Growth in Height

Does coffee stunt your growth

For a while, kids and teens were warned that drinking coffee might hinder their growth. The caffeine in coffee could slightly affect calcium absorption, potentially impacting bone growth in adolescents (1). But adding a bit of milk to your coffee can offset this effect. However, there's no scientific evidence that directly proves caffeine stunt growth in individuals.

The main reasons for stunted growth in kids are poor nutrition, recurrent infections, and chronic diseases that affect nutrient intake, absorption, or utilization. Additionally, lack of care and stimulation for development can also play a role.

Factors That Affect Growth in Children

1. Genetics

Scientists believe that 60 to 80 percent of a person's height is determined by their DNA, but the specific genes and mechanisms are not fully understood (2). Your family's height is a crucial factor in how tall your child will likely be. If your biological parents are tall, it increases the chances of you and your child being tall as well.


2. Sufficient Caloric Intake

Having enough calories is essential for proper growth, especially in babies born into households at risk of poverty, as they might end up shorter due to a lack of calories (3). Access to sufficient food is vital for healthy development. A study even showed that just adding 100 more calories to the diet was linked to a slight increase in height over the course of a year (4). 

3. Balanced Nutrition

It's not just about calories; the right distribution of nutrients matters too. Proper nutrition, including carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats, is crucial for normal childhood growth and development (5). Once you've reached your maximum height, you can't grow any taller, but a balanced diet can help you maintain your height and support the health of your bones, joints, and body.

Protein is particularly important for height development (6). Additionally, some research suggests that probiotics found in fermented foods could enhance growth in children (7).  

4. Vitamin And Micronutrient Deficiencies

A lack of vitamins can hinder optimal height growth in individuals. Calcium and vitamin D play vital roles in developing strong and elongated bones, which are essential for increasing height (8). Moreover, vitamins like D and C, along with minerals like calcium, are crucial for cell growth and tissue building, both of which contribute to overall growth (8), (9).

Deficiencies in these micronutrients can negatively impact a child's growth. Considering this, a general multivitamin can be beneficial, particularly for picky eaters who may not get enough of these essential nutrients from their diet.

5. Growth Disorders

Even with tall parents and a healthy diet, some children may not grow as expected due to hormone deficiencies or other problems.

In children, human growth hormone (HGH) is responsible for increasing vertical growth. However, once your growth plates have fused, HGH cannot make you taller anymore. Instead, after reaching your final height, HGH plays a crucial role in maintaining your body's structure and has other important effects on your metabolism (10). Therefore, annual wellness visits can be helpful in identifying and addressing such growth disorders.


6. Nurturing Environment

A loving and affectionate environment is also essential for children to grow both physically and emotionally (11). Severe deprivation of love and care can adversely affect childhood growth.

Understanding these factors can help parents and caregivers ensure the healthy growth and development of their children. This also provides an answer to the question of does coffee stunts your growth at a young age.

How to Prevent Stunted Growth?

We've seen that coffee doesn't actually stunt growth; there are other factors that can affect it. Your height is mostly determined by your genes and nutrition during childhood. Likewise, growth plate injuries or fractures can be more troublesome for younger kids and may even stunt growth. Let's explore the two key factors to prevent height loss.


Adolescence is a critical time to build strong bones. To prevent bone problems and fractures later in life, it's essential to focus on proper nutrition and exercise, especially during your teenage years.

Make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D for healthy bones. Calcium can be found in foods like milk and dairy products. Vitamin D can be obtained from fortified foods or produced naturally when your skin is exposed to sunlight.


Resistance training, like weight lifting, can also help strengthen your bones and muscles. It's safe for school-aged children to do resistance exercises using free weights, machines, elastic bands, or just their own body weight (12). However, to clear out a general confusion, Dr. Allen Conrad, Doctor Of Chiropractor and Owner of Montgomery County Chiropractic Center mentions that, “Weight training exercises will not make you taller. There is no research to support the fact that increased muscle mass will affect your height. However, certain benefits like improved flexibility and posture can help one stand up straighter, and thus can help one’s appearance of looking taller. As we age and perform repetitive activities like hunching over a computer for hours, we skip poor postural habits. These muscles can pull your posture out of normal anatomical position by doing so, your normal upright posture may be altered. This can restrict your ability to stand up straight, which in turn can make you seem shorter. Overall, exercise and mobility training is a helpful process for maintaining proper posture.”


Does Coffee Stunt Your Growth

Does coffee stunt your growth

The U.S. FDA doesn't have specific guidelines on caffeine for children, but the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against giving caffeine to kids due to potential health implications, including sleep and attention problems (13).

1. Coffee And Sleep

Coffee's caffeine can boost alertness, but it may disrupt a child's sleep cycle. Caffeine stays in their bodies longer, leading to prolonged effects. Studies have linked higher caffeine intake to reduced or disrupted sleep at night and increased daytime sleepiness (14).

And on top of that, when teenagers don't get enough sleep, they may struggle with academics and may also end up eating more sugary and high-calorie foods, which can lead to childhood obesity (15).

2. Hidden Sugars in Coffee Drinks

Many popular coffee drinks have added sugars like syrups, whipped cream, and chocolate. In general, these added sugar causes bigger spikes in blood sugar levels compared to the natural sugars found in whole foods. Dr. Allen Conrad further suggests, “It is recommended to keep fully hydrated when increasing your caffeine intake. Caffeine can dehydrate you a bit, and additional water each day will help counterbalance this. As a general rule, drink 64 oz of water a day. For every cup of coffee or tea, drink an additional 8ox bottle of water to balance any dehydration.”

Excessive consumption of these added sugars can contribute to increased heart rate, obesity, and other health issues (16), (17).

3. Caffeine And Birth Weight

Some studies suggest that when pregnant parents consume caffeine, it might result in lightweight babies (18). This association between maternal caffeine consumption and abnormal child growth, particularly reduced child height, makes sense biologically as caffeine can cross the placenta (18).

However, it's important to note that moderate consumption is not something to be feared, and this is not widely recognized as a significant factor contributing to the myth that coffee stunts growth (19).

4. Mineral Density And Osteoporosis

There's a common myth that drinking coffee leads to decreased bone density and osteoporosis. Some research suggests that caffeine might interfere with calcium absorption, but it's not clear how it affects bone health (20).


It's also known that coffee can increase calcium excretion in urine, which could be a concern for people with low calcium intake (21). Thus to lower the risk of osteoporosis, it's advised to get enough calcium and vitamin D while moderating coffee intake, especially for older adults. Right now, there's not enough evidence to say that any amount of caffeine directly causes osteoporosis.

Is Caffeine Safe to Consume?

Does coffee stunt your growth

After considering the drawbacks of coffee, you might be wondering if it's safe to drink it. For adults, it's generally safe to have 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day, which means about 300 to 400 milligrams per day of caffeine. But for others, like kids and pregnant women, caffeine affects them differently, so Health Canada has specific recommendations (22).

  • Adults (18 years and over) - 400 mg
  • People planning to become pregnant - 300 mg
  • Pregnant women - 300 mg
  • Breastfeeding moms - 300 mg
  • Children and teens (up to 18 years) - 2.5 mg per kg of body weight.

Remember, these limits include caffeine from all sources, not just coffee. Caffeinated beverages also include tea, energy drinks, soda, and chocolate.

As a coffee alternative, you can try chicory coffee that's made from roasted and ground chicory root. It gives you a coffee-like flavor without the caffeine kick.


Does coffee stunt your growth? Absolutely not! Your height is mostly influenced by your genes and nutrition, not coffee. There's no scientific proof linking coffee to reduced height. To balance caffeine's effect on calcium absorption, add milk to your coffee. Try to have a balanced diet with enough calcium and vitamin D, and don't forget to exercise regularly. Although consuming coffee regularly may have few side effects, it is generally safe and may offer health benefits as long as you stay within the recommended caffeine limits. Just be cautious of too much-added sugar in coffee drinks, as it can cause health issues.


Can a 13-year-old drink coffee?
According to experts, kids under 12 should stay clear of caffeinated drinks like coffee. For teenagers aged 12 to 18, it's recommended to keep their daily caffeine intake below 100 milligrams.

Does coffee stunt your baby's growth?
Excessive caffeine intake during pregnancy could result in a shorter height of children. However, experts state that moderate consumption (less than 300 mg caffeine per day) of caffeine during pregnancy may not have adverse effects.

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An M.Sc graduate in Biotechnology, and an avid foodie, Varsha decided to pursue her interests further with a



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