10 Benefits of Papaya Seeds: The Secret to Good Health Uncovered

No more throwing away the black pearls that come out of the Papaya fruit. Discover the benefits of papaya seeds and incorporate a new staple in your diet.

Bella Carvosso
Reviewed by BELLA CARVOSSO , Biomedical Scientist and Nutritionist | Written by Varsha Patnaik , Copy Editor
Updated on Mar 28, 2024 | 06:41 PM IST | 228.1K
benefits of papaya seeds
benefits of papaya seeds

You must have seen the humble papaya, a tropical fruit sold in almost every supermarket. While the pulpy orange fruit and its raw version have been used in the kitchen, its seeds deserve recognition as well. There are many benefits of papaya seeds that most people are unaware of. The tiny round seed of this magnificent fruit can help you curate the best detox recipe and even cure liver-related ailments, as well as good for cardiovascular health (1). But while the list of benefits is endless, you must also be mindful of its side effects. You can even use the seeds in various forms, making them easy to consume. This article discusses papaya seeds' nutritional value, how much of the seeds per day you should consume, benefits, and side effects.

Papaya Seeds Nutrition 

benefits of papaya seeds

Papaya seeds are tiny, black, gelatinous seeds found in the center of ripe papaya fruit. The seed has an outer covering of a jelly-like substance. These seeds have a peppery taste with notes of bitterness. The seed also has a unique texture.

If you wish to consume papaya seeds, there are a few options. You can eat them as it is by scooping them out of the fruit or separating them from the flesh. You can also chew and swallow them whole as well. Ground papaya seeds can also be used as sprinkles on various foods. You may find its flavor intense, so start with a small amount.

Another way to consume papaya seeds is by blending them into smoothies. If you are more of a sauce person, make sauces or dressing with this paste. Grinding and mixing them with other intense flavors can help mellow their pungency while benefiting from their nutritional value.


In terms of nutritional value, papaya seeds are packed with beneficial compounds which enhance the range of health benefits. One of the benefits of papaya seeds is that they are a good source of healthy fats. Papaya seeds also contain fiber and protein. The mineral component in these tiny black seeds is high in magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. They also contain antioxidants like phenolic compounds, which help combat free radicals and reduce inflammation; these compounds exhibit anti-cancer properties by preventing the development of cancer cells (1). It also has a rich quantity of Vitamin C (1). 

Additionally, papaya seeds contain digestive enzymes like papain and carpaine, which exhibit antibacterial properties, and fatty acids like oleic acids (1). They also contain nutrients supporting liver health and aiding digestion due to their high fiber content.

According to Bella Carvosso, a Biomedical Scientist and Nutritionist, “Despite their small size, papaya seeds are incredibly beneficial to your health. They are full of critical nutrients including potassium and magnesium, as well as fiber to aid in digestion and healthy fats. Consuming them in moderation might provide you with a small nutritional boost and be a healthy addition to your diet.”

Hence, make sure to consume papaya seeds in moderation to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort and other possible side effects.

10 Outstanding Benefits of Papaya Seeds

benefits of papaya seeds

Papaya seeds have many benefits for the human body. Like many other seeds, these, too, have a high concentration of minerals. Most importantly, Papaya is a readily available fruit in tropical countries. A ripe papaya will have over a hundred black seeds that look like small balls. Use them directly or after grinding to gain maximum benefit from these seeds. The benefits of papaya seeds also include the following.

  1. Digestive Health: Papaya seeds are rich in fiber. It aids digestion and promotes regular bowel movements (1). Like the fruit itself, the seeds also prevent constipation. The fiber content helps regulate the digestive system, improving overall gut health. It is ideal for people with piles or elders with trouble with regular bowel movements (2).
  2. Liver Detoxification: Papaya seeds contain bioactive compounds that support liver detoxification processes. They assist in eliminating toxins from the body, promoting liver health, and improving its overall functioning. A papaya seed detox is occasionally beneficial to keep insulin resistance in check. It also has a positive effect on your skin health (1).
  3. Antimicrobial Properties: Enzymes like papain and carpaine in papaya seeds provide natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. Consuming these seeds may help combat harmful pathogens and reduce the risk of infections. The process here could be time-consuming, but the overall effects are worth trying. You must always consult a doctor before starting any form of alternative medicine. It is so as these can interact with your current medication (1). 
  4. Intestinal Parasite Removal: Papaya seeds with honey have traditionally been used as an herbal remedy for treating intestinal parasites. They contain an enzyme called caricin, which can help expel parasites from the digestive system (1). If left untreated, these parasites can cause severe damage to the body and cause various hygiene problems.
  5. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Papaya seeds contain compounds with potential anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption may help reduce inflammation, alleviating symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions. It is one of the long-lasting benefits of papaya seeds which you could look forward to (1).
  6. Antioxidant Power: Papaya seeds are rich in antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds, which combat oxidative stress caused by free radicals. These antioxidants help protect cells from damage, reduce inflammation, and support overall well-being. Studies also say that this helps rescue the oxidative process in the system, delaying the body's aging process (1).
  7. Skin Health: Applying papaya seed paste or oil topically can help improve skin health. The seeds contain enzymes and antioxidants that help cleanse the skin, remove dead cells, and promote a healthy complexion (3). Papaya is a strong dirt-repellent, making it an excellent face wash. The benefits of papaya seed oil for the skin also include keeping it hydrated and in the most arid weather.
  8. Hair Care: Papaya seed oil can be beneficial for hair health as it can help nourish the scalp. The health benefits of papaya seed for hair growth include improved strength and texture of hair strands. Papaya also works as a mild scrub on the scalp and keeps the extra dirt away (4).
  9. Cardiovascular Support: The fiber content in papaya seeds and their healthy fat profile and antioxidant properties can contribute to heart health and combat heart disease. Regular consumption may help lower cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and support a healthy cardiovascular system (4).
  10. Immune System Boost: The antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals of Papaya seeds help support a robust immune system. They can enhance the body's ability to fight infections, bad bacteria, viruses, and other illnesses (5).

It's important to note that while papaya seeds offer potential benefits, individual reactions may vary. It is advisable to start with small quantities, and if any adverse reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.


10 Unknown Papaya Seeds Side Effect

Any new introduction to the body can have side effects. When your digestive system and skin receptors encounter a new element, they create a memory. While there are numerous benefits of papaya seeds, it's essential to be aware of possible side effects that some individuals may experience. These seeds should only be consumed in limited quantities or as guided by the physician. Some of the adverse effects of these seeds are as follows:

  1. Digestive Discomfort: Eating many papaya seeds may cause digestive discomfort. You could feel bloated, gaseous, or have stomach cramps. This mainly due to their high fiber content (6).
  2. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may have a severe allergic reaction to the compounds in the Papaya or its seeds. Allergic reactions can be mild, like itching or hives, or severe, like difficulty breathing. If you have allergies to Papaya, it is best to avoid consuming the seeds (6).
  3. Gastrointestinal Irritation: In some cases, papaya seeds may irritate the gastrointestinal tract. People who have this problem may have an upset stomach or feel the need to vomit. Despite the many benefits of papaya seeds for bowel movement, over-consumption may cause trouble (6).
  4. Interferes With Fertility: Papaya seeds can lower the movement speed of the sperm and lower fertility in men. Research on mice has shown that when they consumed papaya seeds for a longer duration, the sperm count was greatly reduced (7).
  5. Decreased Fertility: Some studies suggest that consuming large amounts of papaya seeds may have contraceptive effects and reduce fertility in both men and women. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings (6).
  6. Harm to Unborn Babies: Pregnant women should avoid consuming excessive amounts of papaya seeds, as they contain compounds that could potentially harm the developing fetus. Even papayas are not advised for pregnant women as they may harm the baby (6).
  7. Skin Irritation: Every seed has more specific acidic and basic components. Applying papaya seed oil or paste directly to the skin may cause hives or burns as an allergic reaction in some individuals. Doing a skin test before applying it to larger areas of the skin is recommended (6).
  8. Blood Pressure Interactions: Papaya seeds may slightly affect blood pressure. If you have low blood pressure or are taking medications to regulate it, consult a healthcare professional before consuming papaya seeds.
  9. Altered Taste: Some people may find the taste of papaya seeds strong. Eating papaya seeds raw leaves a sharp, bitter, or unpleasant taste, impacting the enjoyment of their crunch (6).
  10. Kidney Failure: Consuming excessive papaya seeds can cause stones in the kidney. It can also cause kidney failure and severe damage to the urinary tract. It's essential to remember that individual reactions may vary. It's advisable to consult a healthcare professional before incorporating papaya seeds into your diet, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking medications (6).


Those looking for a rich source of magnesium in their food can try Papaya seeds. The benefits of papaya seeds are many. When you take it in a controlled method, you will realize its effect on your body. It does wonders for your skin and hair. However, like everything new, papaya seeds can cause toxicity and health issues. Some people could be allergic to papaya, and it can cause their skin to break out. Now that you know this seed's benefits and side effects, use it wisely and use it to your advantage.


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Is It Reasonable to Eat Papaya Seeds?
Eating papaya seeds can have potential health benefits due to their fiber and antioxidant content. However, consuming them in large amounts may cause digestive discomfort. It's best to start with small quantities and monitor how your body responds.

Is Papaya Good For the Kidneys?
Papaya can benefit kidney health as it is a low-potassium fruit, making it suitable for individuals with kidney disease who need to manage their potassium intake.

Is Papaya Seed Good For Hair Growth?
Papaya seeds are believed to have potential benefits for hair health. They contain nutrients and antioxidants that may nourish the scalp, promote hair growth, and improve the strength and texture of hair strands.

Is It Safe to Eat Papaya Seeds And Skin?
While papaya seeds and skin are generally safe to consume in small amounts, it is essential to exercise caution. The skin may not taste pleasant as it is leathery and hard.

Are Papaya Seeds Male Or Female?
Papaya seeds do not have a specific gender. Papaya plants are dioecious, meaning they have separate male and female plants.

How Much Papaya Should I Eat Per Day?
The amount of papaya you should eat daily depends on your needs and overall diet. As a general guideline, consuming a serving of papaya (about 1 cup of diced fruit) daily can stimulate your bowel and add to your diet.

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About The Author

An M.Sc graduate in Biotechnology, and an avid foodie, Varsha decided to pursue her interests further with a



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