Jubilee Trailer movie poster


  • Drama

  • April, 07 2023

  • Hindi

Critic Rating

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Jubilee opens with Srikant Roy, the head of Roy Talkies, selecting Madan Roy as their newest superstar. He decides to focus on the dashing Jamshed Khan but finds out that he is cheating on his wife Sumitra. The couple is retrieved from Lucknow and brought to Mumbai by his devoted man Friday Binod Das . Binod departs to carry out his boss's instructions, but he also has fantasies of becoming Madan Kumar in Bollywood. A parallel hero is created in Jay Khanna, a refugee from Karachi who comes to Mumbai. Cool and charismatic, he also has a desire of becoming a movie director one day.

Cast & Crew



Series details

Series Name :


Released Date :

07 April 2023

Industry :


Platform :

Amazon Prime Video

Genre :


Pinkvilla’s Review

The series is full with strong, nuanced, vulnerable, and driven events and characters. These are the individuals who laid the groundwork for an industry that has consistently made headlines for both its eerie, dark secrets and practises and its capacity to enthral and captivate its audience. Even then, there wasn't much of a difference. The careful recreation of that world through top notch production values, detailed set pieces and art direction.

The narrative gets longer and more dense as the film nears its finale. Some threads are still unanswered. Even so, 'Jubilee' manages to hold viewers' attention with its captivating old world charm and equally captivating performers.
