Top 10 DIY Ayurvedic Face Packs for Glowing Skin You Should Try Right Away

It's time to reap the goodness of natural ingredients and revitalize your skin with these amazing Ayurvedic face packs for glowing skin.

Chhavi Puri
Written by Chhavi Puri , Skincare Coach & Makeup Expert
Updated on May 11, 2023 | 12:21 AM IST | 426.1K
Best Ayurvedic Face Packs for Glowing Skin
Best Ayurvedic Face Packs for Glowing Skin
Key Highlight

Who said you always need to visit a salon to pamper and rejuvenate your skin? Take a peek at your kitchen, and you'll find many ingredients that boost skin health. In fact, various foods like green tea, pomegranate, coconut, lemon, and coffee are being used in cosmetic formulations as a part of the "green cosmetics" revolution (1). Using Ayurveda face packs for glowing skin can be a one-stop solution for various skin worries (2). 

We are surrounded by chemicals and pollution these days, and our skin constantly gets attacked by UV rays, dust, dirt, pollution, and toxins. This is why it becomes important to show our skin some love and care by using natural face packs. Herbal face packs prepared with the goodness of natural ingredients improve blood circulation in the skin, cleanse it, moisturize it, get rid of uneven skin tone, prevent acne, reduce the occurrence of blemishes, and delay the signs of aging (2). So, if you dream of getting blemish-free, flawless skin, incorporate these chemical-free packs into your skincare regimen. But first, let's understand what Ayurvedic face packs are.

What Are Ayurvedic Face Packs for Glowing Skin?

What Are Ayurvedic Face Packs for Glowing Skin?

Ayurveda is an ancient science with its roots in the Indian subcontinent. It offers a holistic approach to health and works to eradicate a problem from its roots rather than just managing its symptoms (3). Ayurveda has made its foundation strong even in skincare and works to keep the dosha levels balanced in the body. According to Ayurvedic terminology, everything in this world is made up of space, water, earth, fire, and air. These elements result in doshas, namely vata, kapha, and pitta. Vata is related to wind, kapha to water, and pitta to fire. Any imbalance in these energies can cause both health and skin problems (4, 5). 


The concepts of Ayurvedic cosmetic formulations date back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Various herbs and natural ingredients were used to form face packs, herbal powders, and oils to improve the overall appearance of the skin and achieve healthy skin. As said above, Ayurveda is a holistic science that works to balance the energies in the body, i.e., vata, pitta, and kapha. To boost skin health, it's important to provide moisture to the skin, maintain hormonal balance, and boost the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the skin in order to keep the three doshas in balance. 

As per Ayurveda, people with vata-dominant bodies should keep their skin properly hydrated, or else they might get prone to wrinkles and signs of aging. Those with pitta skin need to protect their skin from heat and sun rays, so they must use soothing Ayurvedic face packs for glowing and use sunscreen. For kapha skin, individuals should cleanse and exfoliate the skin regularly (6).

All in all, ayurvedic face packs are formulated with herbs and natural ingredients for facial application. They have to be kept on the skin for 10 to 30 minutes (depending on the facial pack) to maintain the health and youthfulness of the skin (2). 

What Are the Benefits of Using Ayurvedic Face Packs?

The benefits of Ayurvedic face packs are innumerable. It is important to use herbal face masks as they remove accumulated dirt from the skin, prevent the onset of wrinkles, treat signs of aging, reduce dark circles, smooth the skin, and brighten the skin tone (2). There are a few packs that can be used as a daily face pack for glowing skin, while others can be applied once a week. 

Now that we have understood all about the meaning and benefits of Ayurvedic facial packs let's have a look at the best face packs for glowing skin prepared in an Ayurvedic way. 

Best Ayurvedic Face Packs for Glowing Skin

Caution: Although these ayurvedic face packs for glowing skin are prepared with natural ingredients, it doesn't mean they are completely safe. One can be allergic to natural ingredients too, hence, it's best to do a patch test on the elbow first before using any homemade remedy. 


1. Neem And Tulsi Face Pack 

Ingredients to Be Used

  • 4 neem leaves
  • 4 tulsi leaves
  • Water

How to Prepare

Grind neem, and tulsi leaves with enough water to make a coarse paste. Apply this evenly on your skin and allow it to sit for about 20 minutes. Rinse the neem-tulsi face pack off using cold water. 


Neem is a great alternative to anti-acne commercial products. It has anti-fungal, antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce various skin diseases and treat acne (7). Tulsi, also known as holy basil, is considered a panacea for various skin conditions in India. Its potent antimicrobial, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it a wonder herb for all. Tulsi leaves work excellently to heal skin and wound infections and treat acne (8). All in all, this is a great face pack for girls and boys dealing with acne and oily skin. 

How Often Should We Use This Pack?

This is one of the most fantastic Ayurvedic face packs for glowing skin that can be used once or twice a week for desired results. 

2. Aloe Vera, Honey, And Papaya Face Pack

Ingredients to Be Used

  • 2 ripe papaya cubes
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly scooped aloe vera gel
  • 1/2 teaspoon of honey

How to Prepare

Cut an aloe leaf from a plant, and make it stand upright to get rid of sap content. Wash the leaf thoroughly and slice it from the sides to peel off the green layer of the leaf. Now use a spoon to scoop its gel out. Mash two papaya cubes to form a smooth paste and add a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and 1/2 teaspoon of honey to it. Whisk properly and apply this gently on your face as a mask. Keep it on your skin for 30 minutes, then wash it off using lukewarm water. 


Aloe vera has gained a lot of popularity over the years, and one can see aloe plants in every other household these days. Be it a minor cut or a skin rash, aloe vera gel is applied for a variety of reasons owing to its medicinal properties. This magical plant is laden with the goodness of vitamin A, vitamin C, fatty acids, essential minerals, and enzymes that makes it a wonderful plant effective enough to boost the immune system, moisturize the skin, protect the skin from UV radiation, and fight harmful effects of free radicals (9). Aloe vera also heals skin wounds and is helpful in the prevention and treatment of skin ulcers and psoriasis (10).


If you think papayas are only good for digestion, you are wrong. They are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants that protect the skin from oxidative damage, prevent skin inflammation, fight signs of aging, and heal skin from within (11). The use of honey dates back to 2000 B.C. when Greeks and Egyptians used it for the treatment of skin burns and wounds. Today, honey is used for culinary purposes as well as to solve haircare and skincare needs. It protects the skin against microbes, improves the skin's immunity, heals wounds, and provides moisturization to the skin (12). This is a great homemade face pack for glowing skin and can be used by people of all skin types. 

How Often Should We Use This Pack?

You can apply this pack once a week.

3. Fuller's Earth (multani mitti), Tomato, And Carrot Face Pack

Fuller's Earth (multani mitti), Tomato, And Carrot Face Pack

Ingredients to Be Used

  • 1 tablespoon Fuller's earth powder
  • 1 tablespoon of carrot juice
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato juice

How to Prepare

Grate a carrot and blend it to get its juice. Mash half a tomato and mix its juice with carrot juice and Fuller's earth powder. Make a fine paste and apply it to your face and neck. Leave it on your skin for half an hour, then rinse it using cold water. 


Fuller's earth acts as a holy grail for the skin. Herbal face packs formulated with multani mitti may be beneficial in removing acne, providing oxygen and nutrients to the skin, removing blemishes, and improving skin complexion (2). Carrots have an abundance of vitamin C, minerals, and polyphenols that function as antioxidants and rejuvenate the skin (13). Carrots' vitamin C content prevents oxidative stress from damaging the skin and shields the skin from the harmful effects of dehydration (14). On the other hand, the antioxidant properties of carrots may help improve skin elasticity, boost hydration, and strengthen skin barrier function (15). The rich antioxidant properties of tomato help retain moisture in the skin and make the skin's immune system stronger (16). A blend of carrots, multani mitti, and tomatoes can help you remove pigmentation and get clearer skin. 


How Often Should We Use This Pack?

You can use a tomato-carrot face pack once a week. 

4. Sandalwood And Raw Milk Face Pack

Ingredients to Be Used

  • 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder
  • Milk

How to Prepare

Mix a tablespoon of sandalwood powder with enough raw milk to make a paste of fine consistency. Apply this all over your face and neck using a cotton pad or your fingers. Keep it on your face and neck for 20 minutes, then wash it off with cold water. 


Sandalwood paste provides cooling effects to the body and soothes various inflammatory skin ailments, including psoriasis and atopic dermatitis (17). Sandalwood oil is known to have antioxidant properties and may help protect the skin against environmental stressors and fight the signs of aging (18).  The various properties of milk make it a super ingredient to solve problems like acne, blemishes, irritation, and dry skin. Milk helps you achieve youthful and radiant skin by delaying the signs of aging, toning the skin, and making it smooth (19). This works as one of the best Ayurvedic face packs for glowing skin.

How Often Should We Use This Pack?

This remedy can be used once or twice a week.  

5. Banana And Honey Face Pack 

Banana And Honey Face Pack 

Ingredients to Be Used

  • 4 to 6 banana cubes
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 4 drops of jojoba oil (optional)

How to Prepare

 Mash the banana cubes to make a puree. Mix it with honey and stir properly. If you have extremely dry skin, you can also add 4 drops of jojoba oil to the mixture. Apply this as a face pack and massage gently onto your skin. Rinse the face mask off after 20 minutes with lukewarm water. 


Bananas are rich in vitamins B6, C, and A, all of which play a crucial role in maintaining skin health (20). Vitamin B6 improves the skin's barrier function and may help treat inflammatory skin conditions effectively (21). Vitamin C protects the skin from symptoms of photoaging and treats hyperpigmentation (22). Vitamin A is an essential nutrient needed to improve the skin's structure and improve the symptoms of aging (23). Honey is a natural humectant with strong antioxidant properties that soothe the skin and keep it moisturized (12). Jojoba oil is one of the best plant oils that exhibit strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, repair the skin barrier, and prevent skin aging (24). 


How Often Should We Use This Pack?

This DIY remedy can be applied to your skin once or twice a week. 

6. Orange Peel Powder And Rosewater Face Mask

Ingredients to Be Used

  • 1 tablespoon of orange peel powder
  • 1 teaspoon of rosewater
  • A pinch of wild turmeric powder (kasturi turmeric)

How to Prepare

If you want to try one of the best ayurvedic face packs for glowing skin, then do try this one. Mix orange peel powder with rosewater and wild turmeric in a bowl and apply the mask to your face. Wash it off after 20 to 25 minutes using lukewarm water. 


Oranges are a powerhouse of nutrients, including vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. An herbal face pack prepared with this tasty fruit helps boost skin hydration, protect the skin from the harmful effects of oxidative stress, treat acne and blemishes, and fight the signs of aging, leaving you with revitalized skin (2). The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help prevent inflammation, treat acne and excessively oily skin, and provide a youthful radiance (2). Damask rose is a natural astringent and tightens skin pores, leaving you with plumper and softer skin (25). This is a great face pack for clear and glowing skin. 

How Often Should We Use This Pack?

The combination of orange, rosewater, and turmeric makes for one of the most amazing ayurvedic face packs for glowing skin and can be used once to twice a week. 

7. Nutmeg And Coconut Milk Face Pack

Nutmeg And Coconut Milk Face Pack

Ingredients to Be Used

  • 1/2 tablespoon of nutmeg powder
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut milk

How to Prepare

Mix nutmeg powder with coconut milk and apply it to your face. Keep this herbal face pack on your skin for about 20 minutes, then wash it using lukewarm water. 


Being rich in fatty acids, coconut milk can make your skin soft like a baby, get rid of black spots on the skin, and treat hyperpigmentation (26). Conversely, nutmeg may help you achieve healthy skin by keeping your skin hydrated, controlling sebum production, preventing wrinkles, and treating acne (2). This is one of the most effective ayurvedic face packs for glowing skin and can delay the signs of aging.


How Often Should We Use This Pack?

You can use this facial pack once every ten days. 

8. Hibiscus, Curd, And Fuller's Earth Face Pack

Ingredients to Be Used

  • A handful of fresh hibiscus petals
  • 2 tablespoons of Fuller's earth (multani mitti)
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt
  • 4 rose petals

How to Prepare

Take a few hibiscus petals and four rose petals and wash them thoroughly. Blend all the ingredients to form a smooth paste. Apply this paste to your face and neck. Let it sit for half an hour, then wash it off with cold water. 


Hibiscus is a rich source of polyphenol compounds that can potentially aid in improving a lot of skin conditions. Hibiscus petals exude strong anti-aging effects and also help protect the skin from harmful UV radiation (27). Facial masks that incorporate yogurt help keep the skin smooth and supple by providing the utmost hydration to the skin (28). Moreover, you don't need to worry about skin aging as yogurt may also be beneficial in delaying the signs of fine lines and wrinkles (29). 

How Often Should We Use This Pack?

This is an amazing natural face pack for glowing skin and can be tried once a week. 

9. Gram Flour, Curd, And Red Lentils Face Mask

Ingredients to Be Used

  • 1/2 tablespoon of gram flour
  • 1 tablespoon red lentils (powdered form)
  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt

How to Prepare

Grind red lentils to turn them into powdered form. Mix it with gram flour and yogurt to make a fine paste. You can add a bit of water for a smooth consistency. Massage this gently all over your face and neck in an upward motion, and rinse this off after 20 minutes. 


Using gram flour as a face pack is a common sight in various Indian households. It's one of the most loved grandmother remedies for skin care that people still love. Gram flour is an amazing exfoliant and it helps remove tan as well as reduce the occurrence of acne breakouts (30). Red lentils, on the other hand, have strong antioxidant activity that plays a crucial role in improving the overall appearance of the skin (31, 32, 15).


How Often Should We Use This Pack?

It can be used two to three times a month. 

10. Strawberry And Rice Flour Face Mask

Strawberry And Rice Flour Face Mask

Ingredients to Be Used

  • 1 medium-sized strawberry
  • 1/2 tablespoon of rice flour
  • ½ a cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon of rosewater

How to Prepare

Slice half a cucumber and strawberry into small pieces and blend them to transform them into pulp form. Mix it with half a tablespoon of rice flour and one tablespoon of rosewater. Apply this all over your face and neck and scrub for about 30 seconds in circular motions. Let it sit on your skin for about 20 minutes, then wash it off using lukewarm water. 


Polyphenols present in strawberries help prevent UVA-induced damage to the skin, and prevent skin conditions that result due to harmful UV rays (33, 34). Facial scrubs prepared with rice powder help get rid of dead cells effectively, leading to cleaner and smoother skin (35). Cucumbers have excellent soothing properties that calm skin irritation and reduce swelling (36). 

How Often Should We Use This Pack?

It can be used three to four times a month. 


Everyone wishes to have Cleopatra-like skin, but for that, you must treat your skin with proper love and care. Try these amazing ayurvedic face packs for glowing skin and solve your skincare woes including acne, redness, swelling, dry skin,  uneven skin tone, and so on. Although these face packs suit all skin types, it's best to use them after doing a patch test to ensure you are not allergic to any ingredient.



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12. Honey: A Therapeutic Agent for Disorders of the Skin

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15. Antioxidants in dermatology

16. Effects of golden tomato extract on skin appearance—outlook into gene expression in cultured dermal fibroblasts and on trans-epidermal water loss and skin barrier in human subjects

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34. Strawberry-Based Cosmetic Formulations Protect Human Dermal Fibroblasts against UVA-Induced Damage

35. The Physical Properties of By-Product Proportion in Rice Flour-Based Facial Scrub

36. Phytochemical and therapeutic potential of cucumber


Can we use an Ayurvedic face pack daily?
The frequency of using a face pack depends on skin concerns and the ingredients used. A few ayurvedic face packs made with aloe vera and honey can be used daily.

Does Ayurveda work for skin care?
Yes, Ayurveda is an ancient practice that works effectively for skin care by balancing all three doshas in the body (6).

Why is Ayurveda so effective?
It is effective as it provides a holistic approach to healing and improves the general wellness of the human body (3).

What is the role of Ayurveda in skincare?
It maintains hormonal balance in the body and keeps the skin overall healthy by keeping the levels of vata, pitta, and kapha in check.

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About The Author
Chhavi Puri
Chhavi Puri
Skincare Coach & Makeup Expert

Chhavi is a certified Skincare Coach and she's also certified in Makeup Artistry. Her fascination with skincare



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