15 Best Foods For Glowing Skin You Must Know

Turn to food for flawless skin. Make sure you are having the best foods for glowing skin. You may have a bad hair day but never a bad skin day!

Dr. Ipsita Johri
Reviewed by DR. IPSITA JOHRI , Dermatologist & Aesthetician | Written by Chhavi Puri , Skincare Coach & Makeup Expert
Updated on Jan 23, 2024 | 02:03 PM IST | 125.8K
Best Foods For Glowing Skin
Best Foods For Glowing Skin

Glowing, radiant skin is not only a confidence booster, but it is also a telltale sign regarding robust health. You may have wondered how to achieve flawless skin despite living in a polluted environment and amidst harsh climatic conditions. It starts with your body’s internal health. Pay attention to what food you are consuming; ensure you take the best foods for glowing skin.

Dr. Anna Chacon, a board-certified dermatologist says, “Consuming a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can promote good skin health. Regular hydration and portion control also contribute to overall wellness and skin health.”

Taking the foods isn’t enough though; make sure you are consuming them at the proper time and in the right way. For instance, fruits are great for the skin but if you are eating fruits after 4:00 PM then the results might not show up as they should. “Any time of the day is good to have fruits. But due to the nature of the lifestyle we are leading these days, there are many cases where people face bloating, gas and whatnot, should they have fruits after 4:00 PM. These are also reasons citing that according to our slowing metabolism, our bodies are no longer able to metabolize these fruits,” explained Gayatri Dutta, Consultant Nutritionist.


She further elaborated, “It is important to consider that fruits are best to be consumed in the morning or early afternoon. I personally prefer to consume it as a mid-morning snack or as an independent meal option.”

15 Superfoods for Flawless and Radiant Skin

The secret to good health and great skin lies in what you feed your body and on your lifestyle (1). As you eat different kinds of food, it syntheses the food to obtain the nutrient molecules that it needs (2). It absorbs proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fats from the food which is transmitted to your organs through the blood. If you are having dull skin then you must check your diet and lifestyle. Are you having a balanced diet or taking food containing an excess of sugar, fat or oil content? These don’t supply the required nutrients to your body leading to a lack of essential nutrients and thus developing issues. So, ensure you are taking the right foods for good skin.

Before we dive into the foods that are good for your skin, let’s clarify how food helps in getting flawless skin. The food that you eat must supply essential nutrients to your skin, repair the damaged cells, and treat the allergens that might irritate your skin. The essential nutrients for good skin health are vitamins C, A, D, and E, collagen, and omega-3 fatty acids (3).

Sharing a fact about collagen, our contributor Dr. Anna Chacon, says, “Collagen serves as a major structural protein in the skin, enhancing its elasticity and hydration. Foods rich in collagen include bone broth, fish, chicken, egg whites, citrus fruits, and berries.”

The right nutrition is the key to spotless skin. So make it a point to fix your diet for skin health; consume foods that have rich content of these nutrients. Let’s learn about the 15 superfoods which may help you achieve the glowing skin of your dreams. 

1. Wonderful Tomatoes!


Collagen is responsible for the firmness of the skin. It helps in the formation of fibroblasts in your skin which further helps new cells to germinate (4) and replace dead cells. You know how important collagen is for improving skin health! You can increase its production in your body by eating tomatoes. This humble vegetable contains lycopene (3) that multiplies collagens in your body and also resists free radicals. Tomatoes are also a great source of antioxidants; it protects you from the damage caused by the Sun’s UV rays, saves your skin from wrinkles, removes pigmentation and keeps it flawless. Gayatri Dutta suggests, “Dark, leafy greens [not cooked to death; preferably medium crunchy], tomatoes, berries, and all kinds of citrus fruits are a treasure trove of vitamin C and antioxidants. You need this more if you are exposed to the sun, to counter the effects of sun damage. These also optimize collagen production for that tight supple youthful skin.” So, tomatoes definitely belong to some of the best foods for glowing skin!


2. Caring Carrots

Aging may directly affect the skin (2) and its glow. When you are turning to food to prevent such adverse effects on your skin then having carrots is a good option. It is a rich source of antioxidants and beta-carotene that protects the skin from sun damage and boosts tissue regeneration (5). Carrots are also a very potent source for boosting cell collagen that helps to prevent skin aging.

As you take care of skin aging, you solve a major issue that affects skin health and affects its glow. After you include carrots in your diet, you may notice the change subsequently.

3. Fish and More Fishes

Fish and More Fishes

Omega-3 fatty acid is a crucial nutrient for better physical as well as skin health. You may take its supplements and other vegan sources but if you are a non-vegetarian, then enjoy your fish platters! Fish is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. “Top options are salmon, sardines, and mackerel. But otherwise, most locally caught fishes provide ample omega-3 fatty acid, which helps to reduce inflammation and keeps the skin supple and moisturized. Consider it the internal investment of Hyaluronic Acid in the food version,” Gayatri Dutta  suggested.

4. Enjoy Oysters!

Enjoy Oysters!

The food adventurist inside you might just love hearing this; yes oysters are a boon for your skin. Oysters are adored for their abundant content of vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals like potassium and magnesium (6). Often we ignore the importance of proper blood circulation and how it affects our skin health. It extends to affect hair as well. By deliberately including oysters in your diet for perfect skin, you would be able to fill up any nutrient deficit that might have developed in your body.

We tend to ignore nutrient deficiencies in our body until they show up as skin dullness, hair fall and other issues. So when you try to fix it, the result may take some time to show up externally. So start the earliest to ensure the damage is minimal and the recovery is fast.

5. Flaxseed – A Vegan Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Flaxseed – A Vegan Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Skin needs a collection of vitamins and minerals for good health and we provide it through our diet and maintain its vitality through exercises and lifestyle fixes. This is why you must have some of the best foods for glowing skin regularly in your meals. You know how important flaxseed is for omega-3 and fishes are the best source for it. Flaxseed is its vegan alternative. Besides this, it also contains a good amount of protein, lipids, and minerals (7). Look online or ask your friends; you may get some amazing recipes for consuming flaxseed. So, don’t wait any longer to include it in your diet for skin glow.


6. Lemons and Oranges

Lemons and Oranges

“… all kinds of citrus fruits are a treasure trove of vitamin C and antioxidants,” says Gayatri Dutta when we asked about what lemons and oranges can do for skin health. She added that these citrus fruits can fix the damage caused by the UV rays of the sun, multiply collagen production in our body and thus enable our skin to look healthier and younger. What more? The tangy tastes of these fruits are a great way to feel fresh and uplift your mood in no time.

7. The Goodness of Eggs

The Goodness of Eggs

As your teeth dig into the soft egg white and dig deeper for the mushy yolk, your body feels grateful. Besides being a great source of protein, it has ample important lipids, vitamins like A, B12 and iron, minerals like zinc, calcium, and a few other nutrients (8). These nutrients are some of the key building blocks for healthy skin, supplying essential moisture to the skin, and keeping it supple and glowing. It’s a readily available superfood and one of the best foods for hair and skin health. If it gives you acne, limit consumption of egg yolks to not more than 1 per day

8. Binge on Broccoli

Binge on Broccoli

Free radicals and lack of certain nutrients damage the skin along with other factors; while aging is a natural process that plays havoc on the skin. As we discuss these foods, we cannot ignore broccoli;  one of the best vegetables that are good for skin. It is a powerhouse of nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamins A, B complex, C, and E, phosphorus, calcium and antioxidants (9). Broccoli works in your favor and helps you to fight aging, pigmentation, acne, wrinkles and fine lines. Interestingly, it is also a great source of isothiocyanates (12). It helps to detoxify your body at a cellular level and that’s deep cleansing. 

9. Reap the Benefits of Chia Seeds

Reap the Benefits of Chia Seeds

If you are worried about skin health and its withering luster, then check whether your skin is well-hydrated or not. It probably isn’t; often we tend to overlook this factor assuming it’s not that significant. However, in the long run, it turns out to be one of the primary reasons behind dull and pigmented skin. So make sure you are sufficiently hydrated. Chia seeds have omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins and minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, polyphenols and a few other nutrients that are excellent for your skin (10). Besides sufficient water intake, you must seriously consider this as one of the best healing foods for skin.


There are some amazing recipes that you can make with chia seeds; its pudding is quite popular. This should make it easier for you to enjoy chia seeds in your regular diet for skin health.

10. The Good Old Turmeric

The Good Old Turmeric

Our association and love for this amazing herb and spice date back to ancient times. Not just in India, turmeric is widely used in cuisine, skin care and as a medicine across South-East Asia. Turmeric is one of the best sources of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial; heals wounds faster and has other healing properties as well (11). It works well in reducing pigmentation as well. You may eat it raw on an empty stomach with a tiny amount of jaggery. If this doesn’t sound good to you then you may have turmeric tea. All that you need to do is boil an inch of sliced turmeric (raw) or a pinch of turmeric powder and a pinch of black pepper. Strain and have it. Try to have this tea early in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

11. Wholesome Spinach

Wholesome Spinach

When it comes to the goodness of spinach, we all trust this wonder vegetable. We now know why Popeye swore by it, always! Spinach is loaded with crucial nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K and folate, phytochemicals, folate, minerals, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron (12). Each nutrient plays a key role in improving skin health. Vitamin A helps in growing new tissues replacing old ones, and controls oil secretion through the pores; it rejuvenates skin, ensures sufficient moisturization and keeps the skin soft and supple. It enhances the immune system, fights diseases and repairs damage as well. Like this, it repairs skin damage and eliminates wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin C boosts collagen in the body which in turn strengthens the skin. All these improve the skin’s overall health and appearance giving it a radiating glow. It is for these very reasons that spinach is considered one of the best foods for glowing skin.  

12. Get Nutty with Almonds and Walnuts

Get Nutty with Almonds and Walnuts

Foods that are good for your skin have some common nutrients in them. You already have a good idea about the health benefits of nuts but did you know that they are great for your skin as well? Almonds contain ample monounsaturated fats; it is very good for your brain and skin as well (13). Apart from this, it is also a great source of fiber, vitamin E, protein, calcium and riboflavin. While protein and calcium ensure skin tightness, vitamin E protects the skin from free radicals and supplies ample antioxidants that support the skin’s youthfulness.


You may have overnight-soaked almonds on an empty stomach in the morning or include them in your fruit bowl. Choose any way that pleases you!

On the other hand, walnuts too are one of the best foods for glowing skin. It has a very high content of polyunsaturated fats, proteins, vitamin B-6, omega-3 fatty acids, and even folate (13). These are essential nutrients for keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized, repairing damage and rejuvenating and most importantly keeping it healthy. Healthy skin has a natural glow; isn’t that what you ever wanted?

13. Reap the Richness of Coconut Water

Coconut Water

Nature has its bounty full of treasures that are a great boon for us. There are people who may survive over the years by having just coconuts. Other than satiating your thirst with it you can try it for refining your skin health and appearance too. As you regularly drink coconut water, you supply protein, fat, sugar, vitamins, minerals, nitrogenous compounds and a few other elements (14) that detoxify your system, hydrate, increase hemoglobin count and give you flawless skin. This should give you more reasons to enjoy coconut water every day!

14. Savor Dark Chocolates

Surprised to find this one on the list? Please don’t be; dark chocolates are brimming with nutrients that are great for your skin and overall health. Since chocolates are derived from cocoa, it carries the nutrients in dark chocolates as well. Let this sink in and then you may read further.

Dark chocolates have essential fats, antioxidants, compounds of Nitrogen, and minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and copper (13). As you savor dark chocolates, you are adding these nutrients to your body and letting your body absorb its goodness.

15. Amazing Avocadoes

Amazing Avocadoes

It is an exotic food but the hype isn’t fake; the fruit contains “monounsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids and phenolic compounds” (15). According to the observations made by a group of scientists, regular consumption of avocados helps in reducing the process of aging in adults. To be more specific, avocado enhances skin firmness and elasticity making it look younger and flawless, of course!

What Is the Best Diet Plan For Healthy Skin

There are no best options because what works for you might not for others. So what’s best is to have a balanced diet and be consistent with it. “One needs a healthy, balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods to get that glowing skin,” confirms Gayatri. She mentioned fatty fish, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables and whole grains as some must-haves to ensure a balanced meal. Besides your regular meals, here are some fruit combinations that she suggested:

  • Summer Squash: Mix diced Mousambi, Kiwi and Pomegranates. This fruit salad is high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants.
  • Tropical Mix: Mix diced pineapple, mango, papaya, kiwi, and banana. High in vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. This gives a massive skin glow like no other and it also helps in flushing out toxins, which is why you would notice considerable inch loss.
  • Apple Harvest: Mix diced apples, pears, and a few green grapes. This one is another skin glow favorite. Top it with a few fresh mint leaves shredded. Also excellent for those with constipation issues.
  • Citrus Mistress: Mix diced tangerines with grapefruit. Best when the grapefruit season begins. This one helps in making the skin appear brighter and is very helpful for weight loss seekers.

Unhealthy Foods to Avoid

For radiant skin, it’s not enough to consume the best foods for glowing skin; you must equally stay away from unhealthy foods and a few habits. Try to avoid processed foods, strictly. “These processed foods are often high in unhealthy fats, sugars and preservatives that can damage your skin over time. Any food item in a sealed packet, which has a shelf of more than 3 days, is your processed food category item and they should be the last resort, as much as possible,” warned Gayatri Dutta, Consultant Nutritionist. Along with this is also advisable to cut down alcohol consumption and smoking because “these dehydrate your skin, promoting early onset of wrinkles, darkened lips, and other skin issues,” she adds.

There is no substitute for healthy skin and there are no quick fixes for glowing skin. You need to feed your body with the best foods for glowing skin. It may take time and some effort from your end but the results are worth it. Flawless skin never goes out of fashion, complements your look for every occasion, and adds an edge to your persona.

Contributor: Dr. Anna Chacon, Dermatologist - MyPsoriasisTeam


1.    The Role of Diet in Maintaining Healthy Skin


2.    Nutrition and Foods for Skin Health


3.   The Role of Diet In Maintaining Healthy Skin



4.   Tomato – A Natural Medicine and its Health Benefits


5.    An Analysis of Health Benefits of Carrot


6.    Nutraceutical Potential of Oyster


7.    Flaxseed: Health Benefits and application


8.    The Golden Egg: Nutritional Value, Bioactivities, and Emerging Benefits of Human Health


9.    Delightful Broccoli: Nutritional Information & Health Benefits


10.  Chia Seeds (Salvi Hispanica L.): An Overview – Phytochemical Profile, Isolation Methods, and Application


11.  Turmeric: A Condiment, Cosmetic and Cure


12.  Nutrition Attributes of Spinach, Silver Beet and Eggplant



13.  Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Nuts


14.  Coconut Water – A Nature’s Miracle Health Drink: Chemistry, Health Benefits, Packaging, Storage and Technologies: A Review


15.  Avocado Consumption Increased Skin Elasticity and Firmness in Women – A Pilot Study


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About The Author
Chhavi Puri
Chhavi Puri
Skincare Coach & Makeup Expert

Chhavi is a certified Skincare Coach and she's also certified in Makeup Artistry. Her fascination with skincare



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