Leo to Aries: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Carry the Torch of Love for Their Best Friend Through the Years

As the flames of their friendship burn bright, some star signs fall for their besties. They nurture their affection for their confidante even as years pass by.

Aditi Balsaver
Written by Aditi Balsaver , Horoscope Expert
Published on Apr 13, 2024 | 11:00 PM IST | 116.6K
Zodiac Signs Who Carry the Torch of Love for Their Best Friend Through the Years
Zodiac Signs Who Carry the Torch of Love for Their Best Friend Through the Years
In this Article

From childhood adventures to adulthood milestones, our best friends help us create memories that are touchstones of connection binding us across time. So, whether it’s reminiscing escapades, or setting off on new adventures, a few star signs find solace in their bestie’s company. In fact, they come to cherish the moments they’ve shared over the years and form a deep attachment toward their pal that translates into love.

Going far beyond the confines of a platonic friendship, these zodiacs embrace their pal’s flaws and imperfections till they see them as their ideal soulmate. Even if they never act on their feelings, they refuse to deny the affection they have for their closest confidante. Through the ebb and flow of time, these folks carry the torch of love for their besties, choosing to nourish and sustain this bond with care and loyalty. Take a sneak peek at who they are:


Aquarians form strong attachments to their loved ones and their best friend is no exception. They feel that their closest ally acts as a safe harbor, allowing them to be their true selves without any fear. In the embrace of such a friendship, Aquarians are likely to feel acceptance, support, validation, and even love. As a result, they may wish to turn the platonic connection into a romantic one that lasts a lifetime. Should the love be mutual, these Water-bearers (the symbol of Aquarius) experience a wonderful relationship. But if the spark of romance refuses to ignite in their bestie’s heart, Aquarians do not give up on their feelings.


They tend to offer their mate unconditional affection that burns bright even in the darkest of times. Unlike romantic partners that may come and go, Aquarians deem that their love is born from shared laughter, tears, and victories. Hence, they vow to be their bestie’s silent cheerleaders through life while carrying the flame of love in their hearts forever.

Read more about Aquarius' Horoscope Here


Leos are known for their intense devotion to those they love. From a young age, these Lions (the symbol of Leo) are fiercely protective of their besties and committed to nurturing their bond. They would easily have a war of words with anyone who hurt their buddy even unintentionally for Leos seek to protect the ones they care for. Over time, they may see their platonic friendship blossom into love. This may mean more than a simple crush, as Leos would have already invested time and care into their friendship.


Hence, they may be deeply upset if their mate does not feel the same way. Nevertheless, even if they move on in life, they shall always look back at their bond as one that evokes love and tenderness in their heart.

Read more about Leo' Horoscope Here


Sagittarians are reliable and responsible folks who take their friendships seriously. They may not express their emotions as openly as other star signs, but they are deeply loyal and committed to their besties. Once they commit to be close friends, they vow to be lifelong companions who will not let their pals down when bad times strike.

In fact, they may often develop a romantic attachment to their best friend and may choose to be faithful toward them eternally, whether or not their love is reciprocated. As a result, they will selflessly stand by their pal through thick and thin, no matter what challenges plague their path.


Read more about Sagittarius' Horoscope Here


Aries tend to be incredibly steadfast in their friendships. Once they've established a bond, they are likely to share all their secrets, fears, and dreams with their bestie. In fact, they often have their pal become their go-to person for every piece of advice they need, solace they seek, or even for celebrating their little wins. Hence, they are happiest when their closest buddy also becomes their romantic partner.

If this fails to happen, most Aries are likely to nurse their broken hearts for ages to come. Indeed, even as time passes and circumstances change, they will carry a torch of love for their bestie.

Read more about Aries' Horoscope Here

These zodiacs deem that their fondness for their bestie knows no bounds. Like the love that grows stronger with each passing year, they see their unrequited affection for their buddy deepening and maturing over the ever-changing landscape of their lives.

Disclaimer: These attributes are generic and may not necessarily hold true for you.

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Aditi Balsaver
Aditi Balsaver
Horoscope Expert

A voracious reader and animal lover, Aditi is currently exploring the mysterious world of Astro sciences to decode the



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