Top 5 amazing health benefits of vitamin E

Vitamin E is a magical ingredient for skin and hair. Read about these amazing benefits of vitamin E for health as well as the natural sources of vitamin E to get its advantages.

Chhavi Puri
Written by Chhavi Puri , Skincare Coach & Makeup Expert
Updated on Oct 20, 2022 | 06:29 PM IST | 520.3K
Here are the top five benefits of vitamin E and the natural sources of vitamin E| Also know about the amazing ways to use vitamin E for skin
Benefits of vitamin E and natural sources of Vitamin E | Ways to use vitamin E for skin and hair

Vitamin E is touted as a magical ingredient for skin and hair, but did you know it offers amazing health benefits as well? Yes, vitamin E is not a single vitamin, but a group of fat-soluble vitamins that have antioxidant properties. Vitamin E gets dissolved in fat and is found in various foods including meat, eggs, fruits, vegetable oils, and cereals. Many people take vitamin E supplements to fulfill their daily intake, however, it is best to fulfill the daily demand with natural foods. Vitamin E plays many roles in our body, but it is best known for protecting our cells from oxidative damage. It is an essential vitamin for strengthening the immune system and benefits our health in several ways. Here are the top 5 health benefits of vitamin E one must know about. 

Health benefits of vitamin E

1. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants

Oxidative stress is a health condition characterized by an imbalance between the body's antioxidant defenses and reactive oxygen species, which in turn leads to a weakened immune system and cellular damage. Vitamin E has potent antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress and strengthens the body's immune system. 

2. It may be good for heart health

Heart diseases are on the rise, and it has become imperative to lead a lifestyle that protects us from heart conditions. 

There are some key factors that are responsible for developing heart diseases such as high blood pressure, and high levels of LDL, and triglycerides. According to research, vitamin E supplements have the potential to reduce heart disease risk factors. 


3. It may be helpful in improving the symptoms of fatty liver disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is not related to heavy alcohol use, and according to studies, taking vitamin E supplements can help improve some symptoms of NAFLD. 


A 2021 review of eight studies concluded that vitamin E supplements helped reduce the levels of ALT and AST, and improved liver function in adult patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). 


4. It may boost lung function

Vitamin E is packed with antioxidants and can be helpful in improving lung function as well as some symptoms of asthma in kids and adults. 

5. It may boost cognition

It is important to take vitamin E on a regular basis as it helps protect us against cognitive decline. 

These were the top five vitamin E benefits for health, but did you know this amazing oil is beneficial for hair and skin too? Yes, let us know about the benefits of vitamin E for skin and hair. 

Benefits of vitamin E for skin

Benefits of vitamin E for skin

1. It keeps the skin moisturized

Packed with tocotrienols and tocopherols, vitamin E is an amazing natural moisturizer that locks moisture in the skin and keeps it hydrated. It is a boon for people with dry skin, just massage your skin with vitamin E oil and let it show its magic.


2. It is helpful for skin brightening

Topical application of vitamin E help prevents free radicals that make the skin look dull and lifeless, which in turn brightens the skin tone. 

3. It fights inflammation

Vitamin E possesses anti-inflammatory properties that up the skin regeneration process, fight inflammation, and protect the skin from environmental stressors. This in turn leaves the skin looking fresh and glowing. 

4. It protects the skin from sun damage

UV rays can cause a lot of damage to the skin, hence it is important to shield your skin from them. Use vitamin E to protect your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays and keep it dewy and radiant always. 

5. It helps delay signs of aging

Aging is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn't mean we should stop taking proper care of our skin. In fact, wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging can be delayed if we follow a proper skincare regimen and lead a healthy lifestyle. The moisturizing and antioxidant properties of vitamin E oil help reduce the appearance of fine lines, dark spots, and wrinkles. 


Benefits of vitamin E for hair

Benefits of vitamin E for hair

1. It may boost hair growth

Seeing hair falling out in clumps can stress anybody out, but the truth is that hair fall has become a universal problem now. It affects people of all ages, but sometimes the best course of action one can take to boost hair growth and prevent hair fall is to incorporate healthy foods into our diet. Vitamin E is loaded with antioxidants that help reduce cell damage and stimulate the capillaries, which in turn encourages hair growth. 

2. It adds luster to tresses

Damaged hair looks dull and frizzy. There is a fat layer present on the outside of the hair's cuticle that protects the hair from environmental damage. When that layer is removed, hair loses its shine and becomes unmanageable. Vitamin E oil helps replace that protective layer, seal moisture, prevent hair breakage and bring a natural shine to your hair. 

3. It boosts blood supply to the scalp

One of the best benefits of vitamin E is that it increases blood supply to the scalp, which in turn boosts hair growth and makes your hair look strong, healthy, and glossy. 

4. It treats dry scalp

Vitamin E retains moisture in the skin which helps people with a dry scalp. Moreover, the antioxidant properties of vitamin E help in scalp rejuvenation and boost hair health. 


These were some of the amazing benefits of vitamin E for skin, hair, and overall health. But how to incorporate vitamin E into our diet and which are the natural sources of vitamin E? 

Let us take a look at all these down below. 

How much vitamin E should you take daily

It is rare to find a deficiency of vitamin E in healthy individuals, as most people get enough from their daily diet. 

According to the National Institutes of Health, the daily intake of vitamin E is:

Age and required daily intake

  • 0-6 months -  4 mg
  • 7-12 months - 5 mg
  • 1-3 years - 6 mg
  • 4-8 years - 7 mg
  • 9-13 years - 11 mg
  • 14+ years - 15 mg, 15 mg (for pregnant ladies), 19 mg (for lactating individuals)

Which are the natural sources of Vitamin E?

Natural sources of vitamin E

Although vitamin E is a nutrient that's found in most foods, a few foods are exceptionally rich sources.

Some of the foods containing vitamin E that you should include in your diet are:

  • Wheat germ oil
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Almonds
  • Broccoli
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Tomato
  • Peanuts
  • Avocado
  • Almond oil
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Turnip Greens
  • Salmon
  • Lobster
  • Fish Roe
  • Red sweet pepper
  • Sunflower oil

Vitamin E is a vital fat-soluble nutrient and there are many uses of vitamin E, which is why it is best to get enough of it by consuming nutritious foods including fruits, nuts, and vegetables on a daily basis. 


Although vitamin E offers a host of health benefits, overindulging in it can also have side effects. 

Potential side effects of vitamin E

When applying on the skin, make sure to dilute it because not doing so can cause irritation or redness. People with oily and sensitive skin should steer clear of vitamin E as it can lead to clogged pores, acne, and rashes. Apart from that, while taking vitamin E supplements, it is important to consult your doctor as high doses of vitamin E can weaken your bones, cause thyroid problems, and also increase the risk of bleeding. 

High doses of vitamin E can also lead to:

  • nausea
  • stomach ache
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • bruising
  • diarrhea
  • blurred vision

The National Institute of Health (NIH) recommends no more than 1,500 IU of natural-occurring vitamin E per day.

How to use vitamin E for skin?

There are many benefits of vitamin E for the skin: it prevents the occurrence of fine lines, fades dark spots, moisturizes the skin, and adds natural radiance to the skin. 

Vitamin E capsules are used to make face packs and make skin healthy and glowing. Below are some ways to use vitamin E for the skin.

How to use vitamin E for skin

There are many benefits of vitamin E for the skin: it prevents the occurrence of fine lines, fades dark spots, moisturizes the skin, and adds natural radiance to the skin. 

Vitamin E capsules are used to make face packs and make skin healthy and glowing. Below are some ways to use vitamin E for the skin.

1. Add vitamin E to your face pack

Take two to three slices of freshly cut papaya, and mash them using a fork. Take two vitamin E capsules, and pop them open to get oil. Mix vitamin E oil with two tablespoons of papaya pulp, and 1 teaspoon of rose water. Mix properly and apply this as a face mask. Rinse it off thoroughly after 10 minutes to get a natural glow. 

Papaya makes the skin radiant, and rose water locks moisture into the skin, keeping it hydrated. 

2. Prepare a DIY green tea and vitamin E toner

Bring a cup of water to a boil, and add 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves to it. Allow it to steep for three to five minutes, and then strain it. Allow it to cool sometimes, and then add a tablespoon of each vitamin E oil and honey to it. Store this in an airtight container and shake before every use. Use this as a toner after you cleanse your skin, and then apply a moisturizer. You can also add a few drops of essential oil of your choice to get a nice aroma of this homemade toner. 


Green tea reduces skin irritation and manages acne, so this toner will help your skin stay hydrated and healthy. 

3. Aloe vera and vitamin E homemade facial mask

Mix a tablespoon of aloe vera gel with a 1/2 tablespoon of vitamin E oil and 1/2 teaspoon of rose water. Apply this as a face mask, and wash it off with lukewarm water after 10 minutes. 

Aloe vera manages acne and soothes skin conditions, whereas rose water keeps the skin hydrated. 

4. Use it as a moisturizer

Vitamin E, when added to a moisturizer increases its effectiveness to manifolds. Adding it to your regular moisturizer can give it an edge by enriching it with its antioxidant and hydrating properties. Simply add two to four drops of vitamin E to your regular moisturizer and let it do its wonder. 

How to use vitamin E for hair?

How to use vitamin E for hair

1. Prepare a homemade vitamin E hair mask

Take a bowl of curd and squeeze two vitamin E capsules into it. Mix well and add one tablespoon of organic honey to it. Apply this as a hair mask from the root to the tip of your hair and cover your head with a shower cap to avoid the mess. Wash your hair thoroughly with a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo after an hour. 

Yogurt is a miracle ingredient for hair as it treats dry scalp, prevents dandruff, treats itchy scalp, and adds moisture to the scalp. Honey, on the other hand, has natural humectant properties that retain moisture in the scalp and treats dull hair. 

2. Blend it with other oils

If you are dealing with dull, lifeless hair, then use a combination of vitamin E, coconut, and almond oil and see your tresses getting a natural shine. 

In a bowl, mix two tablespoons each of almond oil, coconut oil, and vitamin E oil and massage this using your fingertips working from the root to the tips of your hair for five to ten minutes. Keep it overnight and rinse it off using a mild, sulfate-free shampoo the next morning. 

All three of these oils have nutrients that boost circulation, promote scalp rejuvenation, prevent dandruff, and promote hair growth

3. Add it to your regular shampoo or conditioner

You can either use hair care products containing vitamin E or add a few drops of vitamin E oil to existing shampoo or conditioner to reap all its benefits. 

Vitamin E is an important nutrient to be added to our daily diet to stay healthy and fit. Its antioxidant properties boost vision health, strengthen the body's immune system, and keep our hair and skin healthy. Add natural sources of vitamin E to your diet to reap all the benefits of vitamin E. However, before taking vitamin E supplements, do not forget to take advice from a doctor. 


Also Read: 10 Science backed benefits of coconut oil & 27 brilliant ways to use it


What is vitamin E?
Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble compounds that has amazing antioxidant properties.

Is vitamin E good for hair?
Yes, there are many benefits of vitamin E for hair: it encourages hair growth, keeps the scalp hydrated, and prevents hair fall.

What is vitamin E good for?
It is good for the skin, hair, brain, eyes, and liver. However, do not overindulge in it as it can cause side effects too.

Can we eat vitamin E capsules?
Edible vitamin E capsules are safe to consume but do not take them without consulting a medical practitioner.

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About The Author
Chhavi Puri
Chhavi Puri
Skincare Coach & Makeup Expert

Chhavi is a certified Skincare Coach and she's also certified in Makeup Artistry. Her fascination with skincare


Credits: Pexels

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