Manjusha Naik


BA in English Lit, Psychology and Journalism, Mt Carmel College ; MA in Mass Communication, St. Joseph’s College

A fashion writer by day and a makeup inspiration by the night, Manjusha is also an ardent animal lover. With multiple media internships, and 2 years of writing experience, she has over 1000 posts to her credit. Her everyday joys translate to doing interviews, fashion round-ups, keeping an eye out for fashion faceoffs, and talking like there is no tomorrow about the newly-brewed skincare or makeup trend.

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Articles Written By Manjusha Naik

EXCLUSIVE: Designer Shruti Sancheti on Alchemy collection, celeb outfits, and fail-safe picks for summer
EXCLUSIVE: Designer Shruti Sancheti on Alchemy collection, celeb outfits, and fail-safe picks for summer
EXCLUSIVE: Darshan Yewalekar on Ranveer Singh's hairstyle choices, hair care tips and trends to stay in style
EXCLUSIVE: Darshan Yewalekar on Ranveer Singh's hairstyle choices, hair care tips and trends to stay in style
Simple DIY tips to get your jewellery to shine the brightest and look its cleanest
Simple DIY tips to get your jewellery to shine the brightest and look its cleanest
EXCLUSIVE: Kunal Anil Tanna on his signature designs, shacket trend, desi style tips, pastel love & more
EXCLUSIVE: Kunal Anil Tanna on his signature designs, shacket trend, desi style tips, pastel love & more
EXCLUSIVE: Prreeti Jaiin Nainutia on personal nostalgia & everything that makes her collection a glorious one
EXCLUSIVE: Prreeti Jaiin Nainutia on personal nostalgia & everything that makes her collection a glorious one
6 Times Aishwarya Rai Bachchan proved sartorial excellence begins with a saree
6 Times Aishwarya Rai Bachchan proved sartorial excellence begins with a saree
Glam guide for deep set eye makeup feat Shraddha Kapoor
Glam guide for deep set eye makeup feat Shraddha Kapoor