Anoushka Mathew

Writer (K-pop, K-drama)

BMM, Wilson College

A BMM graduate, Anoushka has been writing professionally for over 2 years. K-Pop and K-Dramas consume her day and she enjoys writing articles about it. So far, she has written close to 2500 articles. She loves films, music, art, and food! She spends most of her time either discovering a new film or burying her nose in a gripping novel.

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Articles Written By Anoushka Mathew

Lee Je Hoon and Won Jin Ah share a heartbreaking love story in Lee Hi’s new MV for ‘ONLY’
Lee Je Hoon and Won Jin Ah share a heartbreaking love story in Lee Hi’s new MV for ‘ONLY’
Shocking ending for ‘Love ft. Marriage and Divorce 2’; Confirmed 3rd season for THIS year
Shocking ending for ‘Love ft. Marriage and Divorce 2’; Confirmed 3rd season for THIS year
Dear Oppa: An Indian ATINY wishes ATEEZ San on his birthday and recounts all his amazing feats
Dear Oppa: An Indian ATINY wishes ATEEZ San on his birthday and recounts all his amazing feats