Varsha Patnaik

Copy Editor

MSc Biotechnology- Utkal University, Odisha

An M.Sc graduate in Biotechnology, and an avid foodie, Varsha decided to pursue her interests further with a CDP-certified course in Nutrition and Dietetics. With an experience of more than 6 yrs in the content field, Varsha counts on her eye for detail to bridge the gap between the writer's words and the reader's mind. Hailing from a renowned writer’s family in Odisha, she is naturally intrigued by the power of books, ideas, and conversations. With her travel stories featured on Tokyo’s leading English website, JapanTravel, Varsha believes words form a powerful medium to share stories, inspire people, and dissolve boundaries.

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Our Editorial Team is committed to providing unbiased, evidence-based, expert-reviewed, and up-to-date content to our readers. We make sure that in the dynamic world of the internet, our content stands out as the most informative, reliable, and reader-centric of all regardless of the topic be it health, fashion, beauty, entertainment, or wellness. Check out our Editorial Policy to know more.

Articles Written By Varsha Patnaik

Top 13 Benefits of Cassava for Health, Skin, And Hair
Top 13 Benefits of Cassava for Health, Skin, And Hair
Top 8 Wonderful Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds
Top 8 Wonderful Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds
15 Highest Protein Beans That You Can Add to Supercharge Your Meals
15 Highest Protein Beans That You Can Add to Supercharge Your Meals
10 Unknown Side Effects of Cucumber to Know About
10 Unknown Side Effects of Cucumber to Know About
Benefits of Lime for Skin, Hair, And Health: The 3-in-1 Magic
Benefits of Lime for Skin, Hair, And Health: The 3-in-1 Magic
An Expert Guide on the Surprising Health Benefits of Blue Cheese
An Expert Guide on the Surprising Health Benefits of Blue Cheese
15 Essential Mulberry Benefits That You Will Love to Learn
15 Essential Mulberry Benefits That You Will Love to Learn
Top 9 Common Side Effects of Almonds to Know About
Top 9 Common Side Effects of Almonds to Know About
9 Surprising Cardamom Side Effects You Must Know About
9 Surprising Cardamom Side Effects You Must Know About
8 Science-backed Rosemary Tea Benefits That Will Amaze You
8 Science-backed Rosemary Tea Benefits That Will Amaze You
Olive Oil Vs. Sunflower Oil: Which Is Healthier?
Olive Oil Vs. Sunflower Oil: Which Is Healthier?
Charting the Benefits of Chickpeas That You Must Know!
Charting the Benefits of Chickpeas That You Must Know!
Lavender Tea: 10 Great Benefits And Side Effects to Look out for
Lavender Tea: 10 Great Benefits And Side Effects to Look out for
Exploring 6 Benefits of Poppy Seeds And How to Add Them to Diet
Exploring 6 Benefits of Poppy Seeds And How to Add Them to Diet
Side Effects of Kiwi Fruit: Adverse Reactions Which May Shock You
Side Effects of Kiwi Fruit: Adverse Reactions Which May Shock You
Health Benefits Of Mullein Tea: The Brew Healing You Inside Out
Health Benefits Of Mullein Tea: The Brew Healing You Inside Out
25 Best Foods for Upset Stomach That Can Soothe the Symptoms
25 Best Foods for Upset Stomach That Can Soothe the Symptoms
Side Effects of Pomegranate: An Expert Guide on this Superfruit
Side Effects of Pomegranate: An Expert Guide on this Superfruit