Stages of a Dying Marriage: Signs to Evaluate Your Relationship

Discover the stages of a dying marriage and learn to spot and recognize warning signs. Evaluate the status of your marriage to navigate challenges effectively.

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on Apr 01, 2024 | 05:38 PM IST | 180.7K
Stages of a dying marriage
Stages of a dying marriage

Marriage isn't always smooth sailing, and at times it's natural to question where you stand with your partner. If you have been experiencing long-term unhappiness in your marriage but are unsure of your relationship's current state, then we are here to guide you. We understand it's challenging, but examining the state of your marriage is crucial to understand whether the bond and connection you now share with your partner can be repaired or not. When your “once thriving” love commitment starts to falter, assessing the stages of a dying marriage can help in taking timely and proactive measures to address the issues. Whether you're seeking insights to mend a struggling relationship or simply want to gain knowledge to avoid any such future risks, this article is here to guide you. Scroll down to understand how to navigate through the complex stages of a faltering or unhappy marriage, tell-tale signs, and practical advice to foster healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

5 Signs of a Dead Marriage

  • You Don’t Feel a Sense of Emotional Intimacy

Feeling a sense of emotional intimacy in a marriage means experiencing a deep emotional connection and closeness with your partner. However, in a dead or failing marriage, this emotional closeness begins to fade. As the emotional intimacy diminishes, you may find it challenging to connect with your partner on a deeper level. Conversations become more superficial, and there's a growing sense of detachment and loneliness in the relationship. You might feel like your partner is emotionally distant, shows a lack of effort, or is unresponsive to your needs, and vice versa.

  • You Are Involved in Negative Communication

Stages of a dying marriage

When your marriage is dying, the communication pattern between you and your partner becomes negative, filled with criticism, contempt, and defensiveness. You or your partner might be making personal attacks on each other’s character or behavior, rather than addressing specific issues.

  • You Are Unable to Resolve Your Conflicts

When conflicts often persist and remain unresolved, then this is one of the prominent signs of a dying marriage. Couples find themselves stuck in a cycle of repetitive arguments, unable to find resolutions to their issues. These unresolved conflicts can create a sense of frustration, hopelessness, and emotional distance between partners.

  • You Or Your Partner Feel a Sense of Emotional Withdrawal

Emotional withdrawal in a marriage can make the partners distant, unresponsive, or indifferent to each other's emotional needs and concerns. One or both partners becomes emotionally detached from the marriage, losing interest in making efforts to nurture the relationship. The emotional disconnection can lead to feelings of loneliness, neglect, and a sense of being taken for granted.

  • You Feel a Total Loner Even with Your Partner

Stages of a dying marriage

Feeling alone when you are in a love commitment is a sign of a failing marriage. You might feel emotionally disconnected from your partner as if you are navigating life separately despite being physically together. This feeling of loneliness can stem from various factors, such as lack of emotional intimacy, poor communication, or significant changes in the relationship dynamics. It can also arise from partners prioritizing individual interests over the relationship or failing to make quality time for each other.

7 Stages of a Dying Marriage

1.  Stage of Detachment

During this stage of a marriage, the initial romantic excitement that often accompanies the early days of a newlywed couple begins to wane. As the couple becomes more familiar with each other's personalities, behaviors, and quirks, they may start to see their partner's flaws and imperfections more clearly. The initial stage is marked by uncertainty, with questions arising about the rightness of marriage and its suitability for you. Subtle doubts may creep in, leading to feelings of unease or diminished excitement about married life compared to expectations. Marriage comes with a plethora of changes, thus some level of post-marriage uncertainty is common. However, if doubts persist long after the wedding or endure for years into the marriage, it's essential to consider the commitment and evaluate the relationship's health.


2.  Stage of Increasing Emotional Distance

Stages of a dying marriage

During this stage of dying marriage, couples may notice that they no longer share their innermost thoughts and feelings. Healthy communication start becoming strained, and meaningful conversations are replaced with superficial exchanges or even silence. There is a growing sense of detachment as if the emotional bond that once held them close has started to unravel. Partners may also feel a sense of loneliness, even when physically together. They might miss the emotional support and understanding that used to be present in their relationship. The lack of emotional connection can lead to feelings of isolation and unhappiness in the marriage. Some signs of this stage include avoiding your partner's presence, with one or both of you leaving the room when the other enters. Additionally, most, if not all, of your conversations, may feel like mere small talk.

3.  Stage of Incessant Conflicts

During this stage, your marriage enters a phase of frequent and unresolved conflicts. Every healthy marriage or relationship faces clashes, however, a significant increase in the frequency and intensity of arguments within the marriage, and that too for a prolonged period signifies your marriage is dying. During this stage, the air between the two partners may become tense and hostile. Once manageable disagreements might escalate into heated arguments, leading to hurtful exchanges and emotional distress. Communication breaks down as both partners struggle to understand each other's perspectives and concerns. Both the partners are unable to compromise and they won’t even make attempts to find a solution to a problem.

4.  Stage of No Physical Intimacy

Stages of a dying marriage

Marital intimacy can fluctuate like a stream. It can sway from time to time. However, if it has moved away and hasn't returned, it's crucial to reflect and address the situation. And that’s what this stage is about. During this phase, couples may no longer engage in affectionate gestures, such as holding hands, hugging, or kissing, which were once common expressions of love and closeness. Additionally, the frequency and quality of sexual intimacy decline, and the couple may no longer have a satisfying or fulfilling sexual relationship. The lack of physical intimacy can lead to feelings of emotional distance and disconnection between partners, impacting the overall bond and sense of closeness in the marriage.


5.  Stage of Contemplating Or Decision

This is a stage of a dying marriage wherein couples may find themselves at a crossroads, contemplating whether to stay in the marriage or consider separation or divorce. This stage involves serious reflection and decision-making about the future of the relationship. You find yourself actively imagining what life would be like without your spouse. Thoughts of being single or daydreaming about one-night stands and not-so-committed relationships with friends may arise. During this difficult time, you might begin introspecting about what to do with this kind of marriage. Whatever you decide to do, this stage requires courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to face difficult truths. Both partners need to take the time needed for thoughtful reflection.

6.  The Stage of Rupturing

Stages of a dying marriage

Before the final goodbye, all your intense emotions such as anger, frustration, hurt, and sadness come to the surface. When your marriage is in this stage, you may struggle to contain your emotions, leading to frequent outbursts or emotional breakdowns. As the marriage faces significant difficulties and unresolved deeper issues, the emotional strain becomes overwhelming. This final breaking point creates an impulsive and tumultuous atmosphere. You might feel the urge to head somewhere far from your partner as the tension becomes unbearable, and staying in the same space feels devastating.

7.  The Stage of Separation Or Divorce

When couples reach this stage, they have likely experienced various struggles, conflicts, and emotional disconnection over an extended period. Despite attempts to address these personal issues, the problems have persisted, leaving partners feeling unhappy and unfulfilled in the marriage. At this point, couples may make the tough decision to separate. Alternatively, they may proceed with a legal divorce, officially terminating their marital union. The stage of separation or divorce marks the formal conclusion of the marriage, signifying the end of the legal and emotional ties between partners. It can be a painful and emotionally challenging process, as both partners grapple with feelings of loss, disappointment, and uncertainty about the future.


The journey of marriage is filled with ups and downs! But if you have been experiencing a low phase with your partner for a long time, thus it becomes vital to understand the stages of a dying marriage. Recognizing the signs that indicate the decline of your love will provide you clarity and assistance to navigate through this challenging time. By only being aware of these common patterns, you and your partner can take steps to address the issues and can revitalize your relationship. Ignoring or remaining unaware of these warning signs can only cause emotional distress. However, keep a note that every relationship is different and you might experience a couple of varied signs. If you found yourself struggling with the above-mentioned indicators, try to figure out if it’s worth fighting for or not and explore ways to reconnect emotionally. Sometimes, it can lead to healing and can make your relationship stronger, while in other instances, it might lead to the realization that parting ways is the best option for both individuals' happiness and growth.


ALSO READ: 53 Unhappy Marriage Quotes to Help You Heal: Living in a Loveless Marriage


At what stage do most marriages fail?
Most marriages tend to face the highest risk of failure during the first few years, specifically within the first 5 years of the relationship. This period is often referred to as the early years or honeymoon phase. During this time, couples may struggle with adjustments, communication, and managing conflicts. However, it's essential to note that the success or failure of a marriage depends on various factors.

What is the misery stage of marriage?
The misery stage of marriage refers to a period when a couple experiences significant and prolonged unhappiness, dissatisfaction, or distress in their relationship. When your relationship is having persistent conflicts, emotional detachment, lack of intimacy, and a sense of hopelessness, you’re in total misery.

Which couples are most likely to divorce?
Couples who face significant challenges in their relationship, such as frequent conflicts, poor communication, lack of emotional intimacy, financial stress, and infidelity.

What are the red flags in a marriage?
Constant arguing, lack of communication, emotional distance, infidelity, controlling behavior, and unwillingness to address issues are the major red flags in a marriage. Financial conflicts, physical abuse, and lack of respect are also concerning signs.

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About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on relationships.



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