Rings of Power Season 2 Reveals Oscar-Nominated Actor As Mysterious Dark Wizard; Guess Who?
Prime Video unveils Ciarán Hinds as a Dark Wizard in The Rings of Power Season 2, sparking fan theories about his identity and connection to Sauron and the Stranger.

Ciarán Hinds plays a mysterious Dark Wizard
Fans speculate the Dark Wizard could be Saruman
Prime Video has unveiled a new character for Season 2 of The Lord of the Rings: The Tings of Power. This Dark Wizard role is played by Ciarán Hinds. Hinds is known for his performances in other fantasy series like Game of Thrones and Harry Potter. Among the most respected actors in Ireland, he is also in a long list of outstanding movies such as Road to Perdition and There Will Be Blood.
In the following season, we will explore the rise of Sauron, the Dark Lord. Galadriel, one of the main characters, will be on a mission to try to stop him. This storyline is expected to involve significant roles from Hinds’ character. A released image by Prime Video showcases him in a dark, superpowerful state.
We cannot tell where or why this Dark Wizard emerged until recently. However, it has been disclosed that he will participate deeply in adventures with Stranger and Nori, his Harfoot companions. Daniel Weyman’s Stranger seeks knowledge about his magical birthright. Their journey will take them to Rhûn, which has always been an enigma.
Prime Video has hinted that the Dark Wizard has a group of magic experts who follow him. These followers, also known as worshipers, were shown in Season 1 chasing after the Stranger. Originally, they thought he was Sauron, which gives fans some clue about what the Dark Wizard wants.
Who this dark wizard could be has kept fans of The Lord of the Rings occupied. In Tolkien’s stories, only five Wizards were sent to Middle Earth, called Istari. There are very many possible reasons for Stranger being one among them. Many believe it may be Gandalf because he looks like him and speaks some lines typical of his movie characters.
It has also been suggested that Saruman, another prominent character from both books and movies, could be this so-called evil sorcerer. However, this would be unexpected, considering that Saruman only became a lousy guy many centuries after The Rings of Power. One thing Patrick McKay mentioned when asked what can make a good wizard go bad is something about the show’s chances for showing viewers how easily even a wise magician might fall into darkness.
Things have never been this serious with Sauron and the Dark Wizard powering up in Middle Earth. Fans are expected to be intrigued by this new character and how he might fit into the bigger narrative. The true identity of the Dark Wizard is unknown, and audiences are anxiously waiting for the big unveiling moment.

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