ABC’s Old Headquarters Leaves Staff Freezing Without Heat or Wi-Fi as Good Morning America Ratings Continue to Fall
Sources talk about the not-so-good condition of the building where the ABC workers are operating. Read the story to get more details about the same.

It appears that the Good Morning America show is struggling, as its reported ratings have significantly declined. Additionally, its employees are allegedly facing poor working conditions. A source revealed to Page Six the deteriorating state of the building where the show operates.
According to the outlet, the show has fallen behind in ratings after Disney and ABC moved from their previous New York City headquarters to a new building downtown.
The report states that some employees are forced to work in chilly conditions at the headquarters on the Upper West Side, where, according to the source, there is “no Wi-Fi, no heat, the antenna ripped off the building over the weekend, and they’re not replacing it.”
Another insider told the publication, “The heat is off,” while another source shared that the building smells unpleasant. One insider described it as an “old and musty building” dating back to the 1980s.
Disney acquired the network in 1995. The studio sold the complex for almost USD 1 billion in 2018 but continued as a tenant while staff prepared for the move to Hudson Square.
An insider previously told the outlet, “There’s no incentive for upkeep,” alleging that the new owners plan to demolish the old digs and replace them with high-rises.
Last year, Page Six reported an infestation of mice and fleas in the building, which led employees to “refrain from working on the fifth floor.”
According to the publication, the building has also experienced frequent issues with broken elevators and escalators. The original source stated, “The building is falling apart. It’s going to get condemned. It’s been a slow burn, and they’re not going to fix anything. It’s getting torn down.”
In addition to these challenges, GMA’s ratings are reportedly struggling compared to its rival, NBC’s Today Show, according to Page Six. The outlet noted that staffers of GMA and the rest of the ABC crew are expected to complete their move to the new Hudson Square location by February.

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