OPINION: Why are celebrities switching to social media for publicity instead of relying solely on their profession?

If you are curious about why celebrities are increasingly visible on social media rather than screens, let us enlighten you about the advantages they are reaping from the evolving digital platforms.

Published on May 23, 2024  |  09:01 PM IST |  37.4K
Why are celebs using social media for publicity instead of relying on their profession?
Pic Credit: Pinkvilla

How swiftly times have changed! I remember living in a decade when we eagerly awaited the opportunity to catch a glimpse of our favorite actor on Television or in theatres. The mere sight of our beloved actor would leave us astonished. The stardom that actors enjoyed in the early 2000s was exceptional and it was uncommon to see them anywhere else apart from the screens.

While we wanted to know what goes on behind the camera, we also craved to know what goes on in our favorite actors' personal lives. Programs like Rendezvous with Simi Garewal provided a rare window into the lives of our favorite actors allowing us to know about their likes, and dislikes and see them as real people beyond their on-screen personas. Similarly, seeing actors in real life was finding a needle in a haystack!

But as they say, good times don't last forever! As a kid, I never thought that the digital world would transform so soon and without physically being close to my favorite actor, I'd still be close to them. 

The invention of social media transformed the landscape for everyone including the entertainment industry. The celebrities were the first set of people who easily embraced social media, capitalizing on its immense reach. 

Concurrently, the rise of mobile phones and the surge in social media usage significantly influenced public behavior creating moments of excitement. Where once access to social media was limited, it is now present everywhere. It is challenging to find anyone today who does not use these platforms for personal or professional gain.


Influence of Social Media:

Social media has democratized the way celebrities interact with their fans and has offered them unparalleled access and interaction. The transformation brought by social media has been profound. While it has made celebrities more approachable and connected to their audience, it has also changed the nature of fame. I'm sure many of us learned about a few popular celebrities after watching their viral reels on Instagram or your trending vlogs on YouTube.

As we know, technology has its pros and cons! Through social media, celebrities are often exposed to scrutiny, challenges, trolling, overexposure, and so on. But are they still benefiting from it? 


‘Any publicity is good publicity' said an unknown intellectual. Every day, we see popular faces from showbiz turning towards social media and exploring it as much as they can rather than relying solely on their professional accomplishments and their genre. I believe in the modern age, social media has become an indispensable tool for modern publicity. Instead of being dependent on producers, the celebrities use their own strategies to promote their online presence. 


Not only this but social media gives celebrities control over their narrative. Back in time, celebs were dependent on media portals for their image portrayal, but now through social media, they can set the record straight instantly. By addressing rumors, clarifying controversial statements, and sharing their insights on societal issues, celebs manage to tick mark all boxes when it comes to grabbing eyeballs. Apart from this, their valuable comments on controversial matters never go unseen from the public's eye.  

By leveraging these platforms, celebrities can extend their influence beyond their traditional media and fans. Be it creating reels on viral songs or hopping on the trend, I feel celebrities have left no stone unturned to reach people who might never have encountered their work otherwise. 

Monetization and Authenticity: 

And who doesn't love opportunities and making the most out of them? Be it us or our rich celebs, no one ever misses a chance to grab opportunities. Audiences today extremely value authenticity and relatability in their idols. When a celebrity gains millions of followers, they make sure to remain raw and authentic for their online audience while being entertaining.


Even though their main focus is to monetize from sponsored posts, brand partnerships, and personal merchandise lines, celebrities never compromise on their authenticity which helps them stay relevant in this competitive age.

While gaining benefits from social media, it also allows celebrities to promote their projects directly to fans. It's like having a personal billboard that millions of people can see instantly. Whether it's a movie, album, or merchandise, a well-timed post or story can generate immense attention and drive sales. 

Social media allows celebrities to give fans a glimpse into their lives beyond the spotlight. They provide updates on their whereabouts, offer a peek into their homes, and reveal their favorite pastimes, movies, and activities, all in a bid to connect more deeply with their followers. The outreach not only enhances their visibility but also allows them to share their artistry with a broader audience. 

In my opinion, artists are known for their talent and ardent audience and those who have this can flourish regardless of the medium. However, maintaining agility is crucial for sustaining a career in an environment where today's star can quickly become yesterday's news!

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About The Author

A TV writer with five years of experience in Indian drama and reality shows. With a bachelor's



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