20 Weird Soulmate Signs That Indicate You’ve Found “the One”

Looking for a sign from the universe that you’ve found your soulmate? Check out these weird soulmate signs that’ll make you believe in fate and find your match!

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on Feb 06, 2024 | 01:33 PM IST | 498.9K
Weird soulmate signs
Weird soulmate signs

As humans, we crave love and companionship. Sometimes, however, finding a soulmate can be tricky. We have heard about love at first sight, chemistry, and compatibility, but what about those strange signs that come our way, telling us we have found the one? These weird soulmate signs often occur unexpectedly, leaving us questioning the universe's role in our romantic fate.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the unconventional and peculiar ways in which your soulmate might reveal themselves. From serendipitous moments and shared interests to uncanny coincidences and unique personalities, we will delve into the unusual signs that may be right in front of you but are often overlooked. So, scroll down and learn more! 

Weird soulmate signs

Many people believe in the idea of soulmates and that there is one person out there who is meant for them. However, the signs of a soulmate aren’t always what you would expect. Here are 20 weird soulmate signs to look out for:

1. You Are Unique But Share So a Lot in Common

You may be one-of-a-kind, but there is something about you and this other person that just clicks. Despite your unique quirks and characteristics, it's incredible how often you find yourselves on the same wavelength. 


Picture this: you have a bizarre habit that you never thought anyone else would understand. Then, lo and behold, you meet someone who not only understands it but also shares it.

As you swap stories, you start to realize that the way you two move through life is eerily similar. You can't help but feel like kindred spirits.

2. You Tend to Annoy Each Other at Times

Weird soulmate signs

The concept of finding one's soulmate is often romanticized to be a journey filled with endless love and happiness. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Real soulmates, the ones who know each other inside out, are bound to get on each other's nerves at some point. The familiarity they share often means they know just what buttons to push to elicit a reaction.

That being said, there's a fine line between getting on each other's nerves and causing serious harm. It's important to remember that being soulmates isn't just about making each other happy all the time. It's about finding someone who brings balance to your life and enhances your overall happiness.

So, if you and your significant other have your moments of irritation but ultimately bring joy and love into each other's lives, this may be a sign you found your soulmate.

3. You Both Find Each Other’s Quirks Endearing 

In every romantic partnership, both individuals usually fall head over heels for each other's charming oddities at first. Unfortunately, for many couples, this enchanting sensation fades over time.

But for those lucky enough to have found their true soulmate, this magnetic feeling never diminishes. Sure, there might be aspects about your significant other that you simply can't tolerate, but as long as they don't jeopardize your connection, the positive will always outweigh the negative.

Conversely, if their actions cross your personal boundaries, perhaps this isn't your forever person. Knowing the difference between lovable quirks and alarming habits is vital.

4. You Don’t Mind If They Aren’t Physically Appealing 

The phrase "beauty is only skin deep" rings true — inner beauty is what really counts. External appearances are not the be-all and end-all when it comes to defining someone's character and personality.

Perhaps you find yourself drawn to someone who is deemed unattractive by your social circle. But who are they to decide who you should be attracted to? It's possible they may try to dissuade you from pursuing a potential soulmate, solely based on their looks.


But don't let their opinions impact your own happiness. What does it matter if this person isn't a model or doesn't fit society's beauty standards? You are attracted to them, and that is all that should matter.

If this person truly is your soulmate, their physical appearance will become a minor detail in your eyes. Your love for them will transcend their looks, as you appreciate and adore them for who they truly are.

5. You Ended It with Them on a Good Note

Weird soulmate signs

Perhaps you and your other half were once entangled in a romance, yet unfortunately, it fell apart. The difference is that your break-up wasn't fueled by animosity and spite. Rather, the two of you remain on friendly terms.  

Most cases suggest that when a relationship concludes, it's a closed chapter, and moving forward is necessary. Nevertheless, a romantic relationship with your soulmate doesn't follow this script.  

Undoubtedly, some obstacles will arise, but your love is a force to be reckoned with. Your breakup is merely a bump in the road on your journey toward one another. A break may help you both realize the significance of what you have together — an unbreakable love.

6. You Don’t Need to Keep Each Other Entertained Constantly 

Although going out and trying new things with your partner is undeniably enjoyable, being soulmates means being comfortable doing nothing together. Even in complete darkness and silence, sitting next to each other without any activity feels peaceful, not dull. The only thing that matters is being present with one another. 

In fact, there are moments when just spending time together outweighs any wild adventure. With your soulmate, any mundane activity is made special by their company. There is no need for constant entertainment; simply being together is enough. When you've found your soulmate, silence speaks louder than words.

7. Your Generosity Towards Them Is Boundless

Weird soulmate signs

As human beings, we all have a natural tendency to give and take. We give love, affection, time, and material things to others, but oftentimes, we expect something in return. And there are also instances when we withhold these things and refuse to share them with others.

However, when you find your true soulmate, everything changes. You'll find that there's nothing you wouldn't do or give to them. Money and material possessions will become meaningless compared to the joy that you'll experience by giving them what they truly desire.


What's more, you won't ever feel like they owe you anything for your gestures of kindness. Instead, it'll just come naturally because seeing them happy is the most rewarding feeling of all. 

8. You Both Felt Pure Agony When You Were Apart

Weird soulmate signs

When you find your soulmate and lose them, it's like the universe has conspired against you. Your heart aches as though someone has torn it from your chest, and nothing seems to soothe the pain.

Yet, sometimes you have to let them go. Maybe there's a calling within you that you need to follow, and your partner cannot accompany you on that journey. It's in the time you spend apart that you both learn and grow. You gain new perspectives, develop new skills, and achieve goals you thought impossible.

In that process, you may discover that what you thought was a lost love is, in fact, your destiny. On the other hand, if you keep rekindling a failed romance, it may not be love that drives you. Perhaps it's just the fear of loneliness or comfort in familiarity.

9. You Can Forgive Them Easily

In the past, you may have been in a relationship where your partner has done something so heinous that you simply cannot forgive them, even in your own mind. We've all been there. But with your soulmate, that's just not the case. You have an unparalleled love for them, so forgiving them comes easy for most transgressions. 

In fact, one of the signs of your soulmate is when you find yourself looking past many of their faults altogether. Just be careful not to let this unconditional love become a doormat for mistreatment. No matter how deeply connected you are to your soulmate, remember that forgiveness has a limit. And when their behavior crosses that line, it's time to speak up and make it known that it's not okay.

10. You Find It Easy to Apologize to Them

Weird soulmate signs

One of the weird soulmate signs is how effortless it is to apologize to them. For many, owning up to mistakes and expressing remorse can be a daunting task that they would rather avoid. However, when it comes to your soulmate, it's as though this anxiety fades away entirely.  


Despite not always being at fault, you still find yourself capable of offering a sincere apology because you can't bear to see your soulmate unhappy. Even in situations where they are in the wrong, you'll go out of your way to not blame them entirely.  

Of course, this doesn't mean you're willing to be taken for granted, and there's only so much that you'll tolerate before speaking your truth.

11. You Both Are Each Other’s Best Friend 

Weird soulmate signs

It's common to have been in past relationships where there was no connection beyond the bedroom. The only thing you were interested in was the physical aspect. But with a soulmate, everything changes. A real soulmate is also a best friend. You respect and love every single thing about them. You want to know what makes them who they are, what their dreams are, what they're afraid of. 

A soulmate doesn't always have to be a romantic partner either. It's possible that this person is simply your best friend, and that's perfectly okay. You cherish them in your life, and wouldn't have it any other way. That's the true beauty of a soulmate — it's a bond that transcends traditional labels and boundaries.

12. You’re Comfortable Talking About Anything, Even If You’re Not Naturally Talkative

It's possible that you don't consider yourself a talkative person. You might even have felt misunderstood by others in the past and kept your passions and interests to yourself. However, when you find your soulmate, something magical happens: you just can't stop talking!

One telltale early soulmate sign is when you feel comfortable opening up to them about things that no one else seems to get. You don't worry about being judged because you know they accept you for who you are, quirks and all.

In fact, your conversations with your soulmate are like a flowing river, moving effortlessly and never running dry. You might even find that they share many of your perspectives on different topics, and that just adds to the magic. 

13. You Both Feel You’ve Known Each Other Forever, Even If You Just Met

Weird soulmate signs

There's something peculiar about feeling an instantaneous connection with a stranger. Despite knowing little about them, you inexplicably click. It's almost as if you've known each other your whole lives, connecting on a deep level that resonates with both of you.


This kind of experience is rare, and should not be shrugged off as coincidence. If you've encountered this inexplicable pull towards someone, chances are that they're your soulmate. And though the outcome may be nothing more than a friendship, it's still a connection worth exploring.

14. You Feel Comfortable Being Yourself Around Them

Weird soulmate signs

It's a universal truth that being with a new romantic partner can bring up a sense of unease about certain habits or functions we all have. However, a soulmate relationship can alleviate those anxieties.

With your soulmate, there's a profound sense of comfort and ease that pervades your entire relationship. You can be yourself completely, and that includes not holding in the wind or feeling embarrassed about using the bathroom.

Likewise, you won't be bothered by your partner's natural inclinations, as the foundation of this healthy relationship is built on acceptance and unconditional love. This deeper level of understanding is a testament to the genuine bond you share with your soulmate.

15. You Trust Them Without Any Reason

While you might have faced hurdles in trusting others and felt the need to investigate their backgrounds through social media, things are different with your true soulmate. It's a rare feeling, almost indescribable when you just inherently know that they are trustworthy without needing any evidence or reassurance. 

Your gut tells you that they are someone you can count on, confide in, and rely on. You just know that they feel the same way about you. It's a deep sense of trust that connects your souls in a way that nothing else can.

16. You Feel Incredibly Vulnerable Around Them

Weird soulmate signs

No matter how much you differ from each other, a weird sign that they’re your soulmate is their innate ability to make you feel completely vulnerable... sometimes without even making any effort. 

It's as if they hold the power to cut through your defenses, penetrating the very essence of your soul. Any disguise or deception you may put on are useless, as they easily look straight through and witness your true self.

Yes, it may be scary to feel so vulnerable, but strangely enough, you feel understood and recognized in a way you never have before.


17. You Both Have Your Own Non-Verbal Language 

When you and your soulmate find each other, you have your own way of communicating. Without speaking a single word, you both share a language of gestures and signals, woven into the very fabric of your relationship.

Sometimes it's the slightest tilt of your head that your soulmate understands as a sign of agreement or the tiniest raise of their eyebrows that lets you know they need comfort. It could be an inside joke that only the two of you share, laughing at a memory or reference that would leave others scratching their heads in confusion.

These secret exchanges are the glue that binds you together, building a strong and unique connection that can only be understood by the two of you. It's a reminder that your bond is special and rare, an intricate dance of understanding and intimacy that only a true soulmate connection can experience.

18. You Feel an Inexplicable Sense of Calm Around Them

Weird soulmate signs

What once felt like an uncomfortable hush, has now blossomed into a boundless tranquility shared between you. It's a harmonious stillness that stretches out, wide and far like a placid ocean, that neither of you is afraid to embrace.

Sometimes, for hours on end, neither of you utters a single word. And yet, you both remain intimately connected. Though outsiders might find it strange, you know that this stillness exists only because of the immeasurable trust and understanding you've developed for one another.

19. You May Have Different Tastes in Certain Things

The popular belief is that soulmates are an impeccable match in every single aspect, without exception. But the reality is far from it.

Many times, soulmates may not be a complete match, but this isn't a cause for alarm. Contrary to what you may think, it can actually benefit the relationship.


Differences can offer a unique chance to enrich one another's life experiences, developing as a pair and separately. In other words, it's a chance to grow and learn.

20. You Feel Happy Without Any Reason

Weird soulmate signs

Emphasis on “without any reason.” 

Being in love is a special feeling, and you're one of the lucky ones to have found your soulmate. While outsiders might not notice all the quirky, weird soulmate signs you both have, you know there are plenty of habits that happy couples possess. And you, being the one with the front-row seat to this incredible experience, can testify to how happy and content you feel. After all, you have found the missing puzzle piece, and now everything feels complete.


Weird soulmate signs might seem unconventional or even far-fetched, but it's important to keep an open mind and trust your intuition. Whether it's through a strange coincidence, a shared interest, or an instant connection, pay attention to those little signs that may lead you to your perfect match. And remember, your soulmate might not be someone who fits your idea of a traditional partner, but rather someone who complements and enhances your life in ways you never imagined. Trust in the universe and trust in yourself, and you just might find your soulmate in the most unusual and magical ways.

ALSO READ: What Happens When You Meet Your Soulmate?


How do you recognize soulmate energy?
Soulmate energy is recognized through a deep sense of familiarity and ease with someone. You may feel a magnetic pull towards them and share a deep emotional connection. It often feels like meeting a long-lost part of yourself.

Can soulmates be awkward?
Yes, soulmates can definitely be awkward. Just because you have a strong connection doesn't mean you'll always be perfectly in sync. But the beauty of a true soulmate bond is that you can work through any awkwardness together.

Do soulmates feel the connection too?
Yes, soulmates typically feel a strong and undeniable connection to each other. This special connection is often described as a feeling of completeness or like coming home.

Do soulmates trigger each other?
Soulmates may trigger each other as part of their growth and learning journey, but they also offer support and unconditional love to help each other navigate through these challenges and come out stronger together.

Do you know right away if someone is your soulmate?
No, knowing if someone is your soulmate takes time and intense connection. It's a journey of discovering and understanding each other's strengths, weaknesses, and values. Trust your instincts and enjoy the ride.

Can soulmates hear each other's thoughts?
No, soulmates cannot hear each other's thoughts. However, they may have a strong intuitive connection and can understand each other's feelings without speaking.

How do you know if two souls are connected?
When two souls are connected, you can feel it. There is a sense of comfort and ease in their presence. It's as if you've known each other for lifetimes.

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About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on relationships.



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