12 Signs of a Situationship And How You Can Get Out of It

Are you embarking on a committed relationship or have you been stuck in a “situationship”? Read more to learn about its signs, types, and ways to walk out of it.

Anubhuti Mishra
Written by Anubhuti Mishra , Relationship Expert
Updated on Jul 11, 2024 | 06:32 PM IST | 284.3K
Complete Guide to Situationships
Complete Guide to Situationships

Navigating the dating scene is like walking through a linguistic minefield — every step can lead to a new buzzword. From "booty calls" to "friends with benefits," there's always a new label for a non-committal relationship. 

Enter "situationship" — the latest term to capture the essence of our ambiguous love lives. In a situationship, the lines between casual hookup and committed relationship are blurred, and expectations are often unspoken. And, with the evolving dating landscape, situationships are becoming increasingly common. 

This one-stop guide is here to help you navigate the world of situationships, helping you identify its signs, types, and even ways to turn a situationship into a full-blown relationship. 

So, whether you're currently stuck in one or are simply curious about this dating trend, keep reading for a comprehensive guide of everything you need to know about situationships.


What is a Situationship?

Complete Guide to Situationships

Situationships — the murky waters of modern dating — are complex and elusive. It's a term to describe an undefined romantic relationship, often leaving one or both parties uncertain about where they stand.

A situationship is a romantic gray area before or without the "defining the relationship" talk. It can be a temporary fling or a long-term relationship without commitment. Keep reading, if you're struggling to make sense of your current situation. We have listed 12 signs to tell if you are in a situationship. 


12 Signs to Tell That You Are in a Situationship


Complete Guide to Situationships

If you're experiencing emotions that are difficult to define for an undefined relationship, you might be in a situationship. But how can you tell? Look for the signs. We've compiled a list of 12 clues to help you determine whether you're in a situationship or something else entirely. 

With this information, you can gain some clarity and take the following steps towards defining your relationship. So, are you ready to explore the world of situationships? Let's get started!

1. There’s No Label 

Complete Guide to Situationships

If you're in a situationship, the absence of a label or a proper relationship status is a clear sign. This lack of clarity means you're in limbo, caught between a casual relationship and a full-blown commitment. It's a cloudy, undefined space that can be both thrilling and frustrating.


2. You Can't See Any Growth

Complete Guide to Situationships

Feeling like your relationship is stuck in a rut with no real milestones to celebrate? If so, it’s time to look closely at your situation. According to dating experts, one of the telltale signs of a situationship is that the relationship is compartmentalized — you're not integrated into each other's plans. And if your situationship has been going on for a while, that's not necessarily a good sign. 



3. You Don't Exist in Their Social Circles

Complete Guide to Situationships

You’ve never met their friends or a family member, since they seem to be keeping you separate from their social circles. You're single in the eyes of everyone else. And to make matters worse, you're not exclusive — they might be seeing other people outside this little arrangement. 


4. Lack Of Trust

Complete Guide to Situationships

If you find yourself repeatedly questioning or feeling confused about your partner's actions or intentions, it could be a sign of a lack of communication and trust in your situationship. Without trust, it's challenging to build a solid foundation for a relationship.


5. Superficial Intimacy

Complete Guide to Situationships

In a situationship, physical intimacy might be present, but emotional intimacy could be lacking. You might feel like you're not connecting on a deeper level with your partner. This may be leading to you feeling empty and dissatisfied.


6. No Forever in the Cards

Complete Guide to Situationships

Sometimes, the relationship doesn't seem to have a future, even with all the feelings you may have for your partner, There may be too many obstacles or fundamental differences that prevent you from envisioning a long-term future together.



7. Feeling Single

Complete Guide to Situationships

Even though you may be in a situationship, there are times when you may still feel like you're single. Your partner may make you feel ‘alone’ a lot, or you may not feel like you're not too important in their life. This can make you question the status of your relationship.


8. There Are a Lot of Last Minute Plans 

Complete Guide to Situationships

Are you constantly left wondering if you'll see your "special someone" anytime soon? In a situationship, there are no concrete plans for the future. You may feel like you are stuck on a day-to-day or even hourly timeline, while couples make plans in advance. One moment you see each other regularly, and the next, they disappear for weeks. 


9. You Are Not Their Priority

Complete Guide to Situationships

Are you always on the back burner regarding essential events or plans? If so, you may be in a situationship. While they may express interest in you, the lack of commitment and communication in a situationship means that you may not be their top priority. Whether it's due to work, relationships, or a general lack of effort, it's important to recognize that you deserve to be a priority. 


10. You Feel Emotionally Disconnected 

Complete Guide to Situationships

When it comes to emotional intimacy, situationships fall short. Conversations never seem beyond the shallow end, and the lack of meaningful communication is a significant cause of anxiety. 


Physical attraction may be the only glue holding the relationship together. Plans are made on a whim and could be canceled anytime, leaving you feeling uneasy and emotionally disconnected from them. 


11. They Don't Want to Have "The Talk"

Complete Guide to Situationships

If you're in a relationship limbo, one of the most telling signs is that your partner is not interested in having "the talk" about defining the relationship. Since the situationship lacks labels and commitment, your partner might feel okay with not giving it a name. If you ever bring up the topic, you may find them trying to change the subject or convincing you to keep the relationship undefined. 


12. You Get Ghosted Often

Complete Guide to Situationships

Ghosting is a surefire sign that you're in a situationship. Since the relationship is unclear and communication is lacking, ghosting can happen frequently. Being left in the dark can be emotionally distressing, and it's essential to communicate with your partner if you're experiencing ghosting in your situationship. 

Now that you've identified the signs of a situationship, it's essential to communicate with your partner about your needs and boundaries. Though situationships can be stressful, it's up to the parties involved whether they want to define it or leave it undefined. However, being informed is critical.



5 Major Types of Situationship 

Complete Guide to Situationships

Did you know that there are different types of situationships? Identifying your style can help you take control of your position in the situationship. Setting healthy expectations is essential, whether it's a friend with benefits or a romantic situationship. Are you ready to find out your type? Let's dive in.


  • Romantic Situationship: It's the point where two people have a strong emotional connection and a powerful attraction towards one another, but they can't seem to take the next step for some reason. 


  • Friends with Benefits: The "friends with benefits" situationship, a modern-day sexual revolution, is a no-strings-attached arrangement between friends seeking physical pleasure without emotional attachment. 


  • Online Situationship: Online situationships are a way to explore possibilities without revealing your true identity. It's another way to connect and communicate with people in a virtual setup. 


  • Toxic Situationship: When you find yourself in a situationship where the other person constantly leaves you in a state of confusion and doubt, it's time to take a step back and reevaluate. These relationships are often fueled by deception and a lack of trust. 


  • Ex-tuationship: It's like a rollercoaster ride you can't get off, with the highs of rekindled passion and the lows of unresolved conflicts. These toxic on-again-off-again relationships are all too common as we seek comfort in the familiar arms of someone we have a long history with. 


How to Go from Situationship to Relationship?

Complete Guide to Situationships

Once we recognize the signs of our situationship, the next step is deciding whether to keep it casual or turn it into something more. We have some advice that might help you take a step forward. Remember, success isn't guaranteed through these pieces of advice unless both parties are willing to put in the effort. 

If you see a glimmer of hope, go for it, but communicate openly and honestly to avoid expectation mismatches. Without communication, the situationship could quickly turn toxic, but with effort, it could lead to a fulfilling relationship.

1. Let Them in

Complete Guide to Situationships

Transitioning from a situationship to a relationship can be challenging, but one way to move things forward is by allowing your situationship partner into your life. You can invite them to join you when you're with your friends. Introduce them to the people in your social circle. That way, you'll avoid landing in an awkward place and increase your chances of building a meaningful connection. So, let them in and see where it takes you!



2. Spend Quality Time Together 

Complete Guide to Situationships

If you want to turn a situationship into a meaningful relationship, try to spend quality time with each other. Don't just remember each other when you're lonely or craving physical intimacy. 

Instead, plan actual dates and spend quality time together. A coffee date or lunch outing could provide an excellent opportunity to connect and have deep conversations. So, take the initiative to create meaningful moments and see your relationship blossom!


3. Talk About Your Feelings 

Complete Guide to Situationships

Talking about feelings and emotions is crucial in turning a situationship into a relationship. Communicating your desires and expressing your love for your partner is essential. If you want exclusivity, tell them about it. Being true to yourself and knowing what you deserve is key to building a fulfilling relationship. A heart-to-heart conversation is always a good idea! 


4. Learn About Their Needs And Desires

Complete Guide to Situationships

To turn a situationship into a relationship, it's crucial to understand your partner's needs. Understanding your partner's needs and desires is key to building a solid relationship. So, take the initiative to ask, listen, and work towards meeting each other's needs.


5. Give Them Your Love

Complete Guide to Situationships

If you want to turn a situationship into a loving relationship, giving your partner the love they deserve is crucial. While it's natural to fear getting hurt, showing your true feelings is essential. However, you must also know your worth and understand that you deserve more than just a situationship. If your partner doesn't seem to reciprocate your love, it may be time to let go and move on.


6. Communicate What Hurts You

Complete Guide to Situationships

Communication is key to turning a situationship into a healthy relationship. If behaviours hurt you, speaking up and having an honest conversation is essential. Avoiding the issue will only cause resentment and distance between you. Instead, talk about what hurts and work towards finding a solution together. Being open and vulnerable is a sign of strength and can bring you closer to your relationship.


7. Give an Ultimatum

Complete Guide to Situationships

While giving ultimatums can seem like a tempting solution to turn a situationship into a relationship, it's essential to approach it with caution. Ultimatums can create pressure and force your partner into a decision they may not be ready for, hence it’s important to state your terms clearly.

These tips can guide you to turn an unstable situationship into a stable relationship, but ensure that you and your partner share the same goals.



Ending a Situationship 

Complete Guide to Situationships

If your situationship is causing mental exhaustion, it's time to end it. Feeling hurt and confused is understandable, especially if you were invested. Here are some ways to navigate the pain and move on from it. Don't waste any more energy on an unhealthy situationship.


1. Make a Priority List

Complete Guide to Situationships

Make a priority list for yourself that includes what you want in your dating life and as an individual. Communicate your needs to the other party loud and clear, and don't settle for anything less. Remember, you deserve happiness and fulfillment in all aspects of your life.


2. Get to the Basics

Sometimes it's hard to let go of a situationship because we don't fully understand it. But breaking it down can be empowering. Ask yourself and your partner why you're in this situation and what needs are being met. Is it fear of being alone? Is it just physical attraction? Knowing the root cause can help you move on to a more fulfilling life.


3. Be Transparent While Breaking Up

Complete Guide to Situationships

When ending a situationship, being transparent and communicating your intentions clearly is essential. This means laying down why the relationship cannot continue and being honest about your feelings. While it's not entirely up to you how the break-up goes, leaving no room for drama or messiness on your end will make it easier for both parties to move on. 

The cleaner the break-up, the smoother the transition will be. It's essential to prepare beforehand and ensure that your partner understands your intentions. Transparency is key to a successful end to a situationship.


4. Know Your Self-worth

Knowing your self-worth is crucial in any relationship, even a situationship. Realizing that you deserve better than a relationship that doesn't fulfill you is essential. Once you understand this, you can confidently communicate your needs and intentions with your partner.

Putting yourself first and valuing your time and energy will help you move on from a situationship that isn't going anywhere. Investing your time in a person or place that supports your growth is important, not hinders it. Remember, you deserve to be happy and fulfilled in your relationships.

Complete Guide to Situationships

5. Strict No Return Policy

Breaking up can be difficult, especially if you're used to the comfort and familiarity of a situationship. However, it's important to establish boundaries and stick to them, especially when it comes to communication. Implementing a strict no-return policy can help you move on from a toxic or unfulfilling relationship. 


Be clear with your ex-partner that there's no going back once the break-up happens unless they make exceptional efforts to work on the relationship. Remember, you deserve someone who values you and makes an effort to make the relationship work.


6. Talk to Your Friends

Talking to a trusted friend is a great way to end a situationship and move on. Friends can provide an unbiased perspective to help you gain clarity and insight into the situation. It can be challenging to see things clearly when you are emotionally invested in the relationship, and a friend can offer an objective viewpoint. 

Additionally, emotional support during the break-up process can make navigating easier. Knowing that you have a friend who supports you and has your back can give you the strength to move forward and start the healing process.


7. Talk to a Therapist 

Complete Guide to Situationships

Sometimes, situationships can leave us feeling stuck and hurt, and knowing how to move forward can be difficult. In situations like these, seeking the help of a therapist can be incredibly beneficial. Therapists can offer guidance and support, helping us to navigate the complexities of our emotions and relationships. 

There's no shame in asking for help, and it's essential to prioritize our mental health and well-being. Ending a lousy situationship in the wrong way can have lasting consequences, and working with a therapist can help us to move on healthily and positively.

Navigating a situationship can be pretty complex, given the ambiguous and undefined nature of it. It's not always easy to identify if you are in one, and even when you do, deciding whether to keep it as it is or to end it can be a daunting task. 

This guide covered all aspects of a situationship, from its definition and identification to its various types and how to move from it to a relationship. It also provided valuable insights into how to end a situationship and move on to a healthier, more fulfilling life. This guide can help you gain clarity and confidence in making decisions about your relationships. 

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About The Author
Anubhuti Mishra
Anubhuti Mishra
Relationship Expert

A marked inclination toward understanding human emotions and relationships led Anubhuti to become a certified Relationship Expert. With dual



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