How to Not Be a Dry Texter And Keep the Conversation Flowing

Want to keep your conversations lively and engaging? Check out these top 20 tips on how to not be a dry texter and spice up your messaging game!

Aastha Pahadia
Written by Aastha Pahadia , Certified Relationship Coach
Updated on Feb 05, 2024 | 04:42 PM IST | 1.9M
How To Not Be a Dry Texter
How To Not Be a Dry Texter

Entering the world of texting with your crush is like walking on a tightrope — one misstep and it's game over. You may think you have a shot at first, but a few fumbled messages later and your crush might be heading for the hills. Nothing screams disinterest like short, dull messages and unimaginative emojis. We've all been guilty of it at one point or another — asking basic questions like "How are you?" or "What's the weather like?" and receiving no reply in return. If you're getting ignored on social media by someone you're trying to impress, it could be because you're a "dry texter." As a dry texter, it’s difficult to get a proper response from others, as they might feel you have no interest in having a long conversation with them. But don't fret — you can learn how to be a better texter by understanding the art of texting.

What Is Dry Texting?

Dry texting can be defined as a communication style where one fails to engage in meaningful and exciting text conversations. In simpler terms, it implies that the person is a dull and uninteresting texter. These individuals are characterized by their lack of contribution to a conversation, often responding with only one word or short phrases such as “oh,” “lmao,” “okay,” “lol,” etc. The effect of their behavior can result in extreme frustration or boredom for the recipient.

In a world where virtual connections are crucial, being labeled a dry texter can be detrimental, especially when trying to woo someone you like. Unstimulating text conversations can be an instant conversation killer and may result in your crush abruptly ending communication.

Whether your crush reciprocates your feelings or not, being perceived as a dry texter can turn them off completely. It is, therefore, crucial to put effort into your texting skills and learn how to not be dry over text to keep your virtual conversations alive and exciting.


Signs You Are a Dry Texter

Signs You Are a Dry Texter

Real conversations are always fun and engaging, but if you are a dry texter, chances are that the other person will feel bored and want to get out of the conversation. After all, nobody wants to indulge in mundane and boring conversations — below are some signs that your texting style is dry and you need to change it to build an effective form of communication and create lasting relationships:

1. If you don’t know how to have balanced conversations and struggle with an apt response, it could be a sign you are a dry texter. 

2. If you often reply with “lol”, “hmm”, or “okay”, it is one of the obvious signs you are a master at dry texting. 

3. If someone close to you has directly told you that you should ask more open-ended questions as you always ask generic questions, it shows that you are a dry texter. 

4. Some people prefer calling to texting – if you are one of them and hesitate to talk over text messages, it could mean you are a dry texter. 

What Makes Someone a Dry Texter?

There could be various reasons why someone is into dry texting. A few people are not into texting, while others may have social anxiety, due to which they find it difficult to communicate with others.

20 Tips on How to Not Be a Dry Texter

Texting allows us to stay in touch with people we care about thanks to technological advancements. However, since you cannot hear the tone of voice through texts, there is always the possibility of misinterpretation. 

So, here are the best tips on how to not be dry when texting and keep the conversations flowing smoothly:

1. Reply as Soon as Possible

Reply as Soon as Possible

The anxious feeling of waiting for a reply, only to have hours pass with no response, is one of the most frustrating experiences in modern communication. As a rule of thumb, aim to respond to messages as soon as possible to prevent leaving others hanging. Nonetheless, we all have those times when our schedule gets the better of us and we can't respond to a message right away. If you're caught in a similar situation, make it a habit to drop a message to let the other person know that you're temporarily occupied and will respond ASAP.


2. Avoid One-word Responses

It's understandable to feel overwhelmed or preoccupied while chatting but giving one-word responses can inadvertently send the message that you're not invested in the conversation. Avoid leaving the other person feeling disregarded by avoiding curt replies like "Sure", "Yeah", or "Nope". 

3. Know the Purpose of Your Response

Know the Purpose of Your Response

To become better at texting, you should always keep in mind the purpose of your reply. Whether it’s to catch up with a friend or express your feelings to a crush, understanding why you’re texting will help you keep up with the flow of the conversation. You can prepare yourself for what questions to ask and how to proceed, leading to more effective communication.

4. Use Emojis And GIFS 

To make texting more entertaining, use the power of GIFs and emojis. These visual elements add personality and humor to your messages, making them less mundane and more exciting. Plus, emojis can often replace words and phrases, making texting more efficient and exciting. 

5. Make Your Crush Smile with Memes

Make Your Crush Smile with Memes

If you want to make your crush smile while texting, go ahead and try sending some memes! Funny memes can add an extra dose of humor to your conversation. It’s a fun way to spice up your texting game and make the experience enjoyable for both of you.

6. Ask the Right Questions 

If you want to learn the art of how to be a better texter, the key is to ask the right questions. For instance, if you’re talking about how to handle stress at work, ask questions like, “What are your hobbies?” Not only will it keep the conversation going, but you can also understand your crush better.

7. Don’t Hesitate to Reveal Your Sense of Humor

Don’t Hesitate to Reveal Your Sense of Humor


Being funny is always a plus in any situation, especially when texting your crush. It adds to the fun of the conversation and keeps you both engaged. Remember this if you want to know how to not be dry over text.


Don’t hold back from showing off your sense of humor. Send jokes, memes, and even random jokes that you made up yourself to make your crush laugh. 


8. Try Flirting a Little Bit

If you want to make your texting experience more exciting, then go ahead and flirt a little! Don't be afraid to tease and flirt with your texting partner. You never know, you might even discover a new side to your texting partner. 

9. Pay Attention to the Details

It's essential to remember the details when texting someone, whether it's a friend or a crush. This will make the other person feel special and show that you genuinely care about them. Moreover, when they mention these little details again, you'll be able to catch up and make the conversation flow better. 

10. Turn Your Texts into Meaningful Conversations 

Turn Your Texts into Meaningful Conversations

Texting is a great way to remain in touch with people, but it doesn't have to be restricted to short, monotonous texts. Be more vocal and try to engage in meaningful conversations if you're interested in someone and want to get to know them better. 

11. Text First

One of the best tips on how to be a better texter is to not be afraid to text first. You could be unsure whether the other person will respond. But what if they're thinking the same thing? Take the initiative and begin the conversation. 

12. Don’t Be Afraid to Invest

Investing in a text mate can be scary, especially when you're not sure how invested they are. Allow yourself to enjoy the conversation and be your authentic self. By investing in the conversation, you may discover a deep and meaningful connection.

13. Know Your Boundaries

While texting can be a fun and convenient way to communicate, it's important to remember to always be respectful and aware of your boundaries. To be a good texter, you must be polite and friendly, even when joking. It's critical to know when to back off and give the other person some space. 

14. Share Your Experiences

Share Your Experiences

Remember that communication is a two-way street, so when your crush opens up a topic, don't be afraid to share your own experiences too. This will help you build a bond while also learning about each other.

15. Ask for Their Opinions

Asking for opinions is another great way to keep the conversation flowing. If you're wondering what color to pick for your room renovation, grab your phone and ask your crush. This not only makes for interesting conversation but also indicates that you value their views. 


16. Avoid Boring And Common Questions

Another tip on how to not be a dry texter is to avoid asking boring common questions that can make your conversation sound too robotic. Instead of sending the same greeting every day, try sending a quote or a joke. It's easier to come up with funny and unique remarks that keep the discussion going and leave them wanting more when you're already acquainted with your crush.

17. Be Lively with Your Responses

One crucial tip to keep in mind if you don't want to come across as a boring texter is to be lively in your replies. Reading your text aloud to yourself is a wonderful approach to see if it is engaging enough. If it doesn't feel alive, try to inject some personality and enthusiasm into your words. 

18. Use Proper Punctuation Marks

Using the proper end punctuation is essential when sending texts. Without it, your messages can come across as dull and dry. For instance, your crush exclaims about making delicious cupcakes and offers to share, but your response falls short with a simple “can’t wait” and no exclamation mark. With proper punctuation, your message could show the same level of enthusiasm and interest.

19. Follow Up on Something Your Crush Previously Told You

Follow Up on Something Your Crush Previously Told You

If your crush divulges some personal information to you, don't let it slip your mind. For instance, if they mention they're preparing to take an important entrance exam, show genuine interest by asking them about it. Hear them out as they describe the experience and be there to support them, whatever the outcome may be.

20. Enjoy Yourself 

The key to learning how to not be a dry texter lies in the simple act of finding enjoyment in what you do. None of the tips you will find can truly transform your texting game unless you're genuinely enjoying the conversation.

Share your excitement and happiness with the other person and watch as your connection flourishes. Once you're fully immersed in the conversation, ideas will flow naturally and effortlessly. Before you know it, hours will pass by in a heartbeat. By keeping this simple yet profound tip in mind, you're sure to learn how to not be dry again. 


5 Effective Ways to Fix a Dry Text Conversation

Ways to Fix a Dry Text Conversation

Now that you have gone through our tips on how to not be dry when texting, let us take a look at various ways to fix a dry text conversation with a girl/guy. Keep reading to know more:

1. Boring texts can kill the fun of a conversation. You can liven it up by asking something that the other person likes. This way, you’ll encourage them to open up and communicate well. 

2. Ask for their opinion on subjects they like to make them a fun texter. 

3. If you are trying to date someone who’s a dry texter, you can compliment them to level up your dating game. In fact, sharing flirty comments can also help you open up to your partner and be in a happy relationship. 

4. A few dry texters don’t even know that they don’t communicate well. You can share your feelings with them to tell them how you feel. This will help them reflect on their communication style and change it to avoid mundane conversations.


Texting is an amazing way to connect with others and foster relationships. Don't let dull and brief conversations dampen your texting game. Spice things up with the 20 incredible tips mentioned above on how to not be a dry texter. 

Besides, your crush is bound to take notice of your exceptional skills. Who knows, they might just begin to catch some feelings for you too! Go on and get texting. When you're having fun, time flies by, and before you know it, the moon will be up, but you won't notice because you're too engrossed in your texting.


ALSO READ: 105+ Best Texts to Make Him Smile And Think about You All Day

105 Best Ways to Respond to "How Are You" To Interestingly Kick Start The Conversation


How can I be a good texter?
Always be respectful in your texts by avoiding sarcasm or jokes that can be misunderstood. Don’t forget to proofread before sending your text to avoid any grammatical errors.

What makes someone a dry texter?
Someone can be considered a dry texter if they consistently respond with short or one-word answers, do not initiate conversations, and lack enthusiasm or emotion in their messages.

How do I stop being a boring texter?
The best way to stop being a boring texter is to add some excitement to your conversations! Try sending funny memes, engaging questions, or sharing interesting articles or news stories. You can also be more attentive and responsive to the other person's messages, show your personality and try to find common interests.

Is dry texting a red flag?
Yes, dry texting can be a red flag in communication as it may indicate a lack of interest, effort, or enthusiasm from the sender. It's important to consider context and personal communication style before making any assumptions or conclusions, but if dry texting becomes a pattern, it may be worth addressing or reassessing the relationship. Remember, good communication is key to healthy relationships!

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About The Author
Aastha Pahadia
Aastha Pahadia
Certified Relationship Coach

Aastha is a certified Relationship coach and she strives to help those who seek expert advice on relationships.



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